Natural Detox Drinks For A Flat Stomach In 2 Weeks

Natural Detox Drinks For A Flat Stomach In 2 Weeks

If you have been looking for a magic potion to get into your desired shape then congratulations! The fairy godmother has swirled the wand and manifested the two ingredients or a flat stomach. Yes, you guessed it right, the ingredients which are resting in your cabinet right now.

Choosing to do nothing about your increasing weight has consequences. So, ignoring the problem doesn’t solve it.  

 Do not get demotivated by the weight loss efforts you have been putting in rather than couple those efforts with this tip to see the results in 2 weeks.

You will not be able to get rid of your belly fat in 2 weeks in any way if you will not police your eating habits. Just improve your overall dietary habits ( How? Take any weight loss challenge or what everyone is recommending) and add this to your lifestyle for 2 weeks, after that: Magic! 

Tip: For best results: Exercise! And commit: 

What Most People Do is they verge on a weight loss journey without setting up any definite target . . . That is a huge mistake. You need to give yourself a challenge.

I can truly recommend 21-day flat belly fix challenge, as many have gone for this choice without regret. See for yourself.

This program fulfills every criterion which is essential for weight loss.

You need to opt for an expert’s weight loss program. You should not hesitate to follow an expert like Todd, as his research is backed by science.

Your body needs certain items in certain proportions.

If you want to know the accurate science behind such measurements then flat belly fix is highly advisable.

Many people around the world have already benefited from this cheap program which guarantees weight loss.

A simple yet effective approach without sinking in starvation mode.

This Drink + A PROVEN weight loss system: MAGIC! 

Back to this article!

If you are interested in getting flat belly overnight then scan this article. 

Note: You should not get into any such detox drinks before consulting your doctor if you experience high blood pressure.

Grapefruit & ACV Juice


Grapefruit juice: 1 cup
Apple cider vinegar: 2 tsp
Honey: 1 tsp



Toss in all the ingredients to form an even mixture. You need to consume it thrice a day for 2 weeks for getting rid of the belly fat. The recommended timings:
A half-hour before breakfast
A half-hour before lunch
A half-hour before sleep

Detox Flat Belly Tea


Ginger- grated (1-inch )
lemon- squeezed (1/2 )
maple syrup (1 tbsp )
cumin seed (1 tsp )
Water (4 cups)


You need to add the ginger in boiling water along with cumin seeds. Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes and then lit off the stove. Lastly, add lemon juice together with the maple syrup. Now simply strain into the cup. Finally: consume!
You need to consume this drink twice a day for 2 weeks for effective results.

The recommended timings of consumption:

First thing in the morning before breakfast
Last thing before hitting the bed 

Final words:

You cracked the code! Here you have the 2 powerful natural detox drinks which will yield flat stomach and that too in such a short time.

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Natural Detox Drinks For A Flat Stomach In 2 Weeks

Ginger Water: The Healthiest Drink That Helps Burn Fat From The Waist, Back, &Thighs

Ginger Water: The Healthiest Drink That Helps Burn Fat From The Waist, Back, &Thighs

Choosing to do nothing about your increasing weight has consequences. So, ignoring the problem doesn’t solve it.  

 You need to realize that healthy weight loss is a combination of several things and no one-factor influences the journey. Combine effort in terms of exercise, and diet yields the actual and appreciable results.

Make use of Ginger but together with a Commitment.  

 What Most People Do is they verge on a weight loss journey without setting up any definite target . . . That is a huge mistake. You need to give yourself a challenge. 

I can recommend experts who exactly knows what it takes to dissolve that stubborn Ugly Fat .

I have been recommending Todd since ages! You probably have heard about his 21 day belly fix. A proven program that deserves your attention today.

Back to Ginger!  

Diet . . . Diet . . . Diet and comes with it a powerful vegetable like ginger. If you have not untapped the true potential of ginger water yet then now is the time. This amazing remedy is tested for hundreds of years and has been working since then!

Ginger Benefits

Ginger heals one from inside out as it contains vital nutrients like vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and folate. With 17.86 g of carbohydrate 3.6 g of dietary fiber, 3.57 g of protein, 0 g of sugar, 14 mg of sodium, 1.15 g of iron, 7.7 mg of vitamin C and 33 mg of potassium, this little magical ingredient is all set to impress you with its function.

Apart from weight loss, get ready to boost your immunity thus prevents cold/flu, relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation, improves digestion and improves nutrient absorption.

Let’s dig into the recipe card, Here is how to get this drink working:


Ginger root (cut 1 ginger into thin slices)
Water (1.5 liters)
Lemon juice (optional)


You need to boil the water, toss in the ginger and simmer it for fifteen minutes. You need to remove this from heat and allow cooling. Finally: Strain and enjoy it.

Timings :

Before breakfast
In the evening
Before dinner 


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Ginger Water The Healthiest Drink That Helps Burn Fat From The Waist, Back, &Thighs3

What Happens When you Drink Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Water On An Empty Stomach In The Morning

What Happens When you Drink Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Water On An Empty Stomach In The Morning


 If you are not aware yet then consumption of apple cider vinegar along with honey is highly recommended for those who have to deal with digestion problems, inflammation, and muscle pain.

Recommended Apple cider vinegar:

For getting rid of such ailments you need to drink the combination every morning and that too empty stomach.

You must have by now tried out several ways but there is always something which doesn’t just make the stuff work out for you . . . as you planned.

Choosing to do nothing about your increasing weight has consequences. So, ignoring the problem doesn’t solve it.  

 What Most People Do is they verge on a weight loss journey without setting up any definite target . . . That is a huge mistake. You need to give yourself a challenge. 

I can recommend experts who exactly knows what it takes to dissolve that stubborn Ugly Fat .

I have been recommending Todd since ages! You probably have heard about his 21 day belly fix. A proven program that deserves your attention today.

Back to the Point! Apple cider Vinegar and Honey . . . 

If you are interested in the right way of detoxing to get rid of belly fat then scan this article

What chronic illnesses do to you?

Well, it will steal away the health and energy you possess right now.

Are you living in a fast-paced lifestyle where you are forced to drink a high ratio of unhealthy beverages to keep up with the rat race . . . the challenging routine?

Then keep scrolling down my friend.

These are some of your unhealthy habits that are boosting the production of acid inside your body.

You might not know but a low pH level moves you near ailments like nausea, energy lost, infections and inflammation.

All the damage done by the unhealthy drinks is fixed by these two magical ingredients!

I hope you have not lost the track and guessed that I am referring to the apple cider vinegar and honey.

These two ingredients will alkalize the body which in turn is the rising of your body’s ph level.

Feel lucky as you will be fighting the germs and in short all the ailments listed above

Fortunately, consuming apple cider vinegar and honey can help alkalize the body.

This raises the pH level of your blood back to its natural state making it easier to fight off germs and ailments.

All this boils down to the reason for consuming this combination every morning and that too empty stomach. 

Why Does Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey Help?

Why apple cider vinegar help? Well, you are already convinced by its smell that crushed apples are fermented! It comes with all the vital nutrients like :

  • Pectin
  • Vitamins B1, B2, and B6
  • Biotin
  • Folic acid
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Vitamin C.
  • Minerals sodium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Iron and magnesium
  • Acetic acid
  • Citric acid

If we talk about honey this benefits and balances the ph because it contains:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Vitamins (vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, vitamin B6)
  • Panthothenic acid.

Tip: Forgetting the best benefit from the honey-do not forget to purchase the less processed and darker one.


This mixture offers several advantages, few of them are :

  • Aid weight loss (the one which you already know)
  • Elimination of joint pain
  • Treatment of acid reflux & heartburn
  • Digestion & constipation Aid
  • Reduction in cholesterol
  • Promotes balanced blood pressure
  • Soothes sore throat
  • Makes your energetic
  • Elimination of bad breath
  • Reduces inflammation

Preparation of this awfully-tasted nutritionally-loaded Drink:


  • Raw Honey – 1 teaspoon
  • Raw, organic, apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon
  • A cup of water


Throw all these ingredients into a tall glass and mix well. You need to drink this on empty stomach and that too 20 minutes before breakfast. There can be a probability that you find the mix hard to swallow so, in that case, feel free to grab glasses of water after that.


You may consult your doctor before consumption as high amounts of apple cider vinegar (daily consumption) might interfere with:

  • Diuretics
  • Laxatives
  • Medicine for diabetes & heart diseases

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15 Shocking Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

15 Shocking Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

 There can two reasons that your eyes are scanning this article: either you have no idea that you are over-consuming sugar or you already know that you are standing on a dangerous end.

This article will help you in both cases in finding the answers. Without further ado, let’s dig in signs and then decide your case.

1. Cravings, Cravings and More Cravings

There can be a probability that out of odd you have started craving more sugar and that is not usual.

This increasing sugar craving begins to kick in, especially when a person is eating more sugar.

The cycle works like this: The more you consume sugar, the more you will crave it.

So watch out for the addictive, vicious cycle.

2. Have you been feeling more sluggish recently?

Heard about the fact that what goes up has to come down . . . just like economy?!

Lame example but you got the point. Similarly, it is no different from sugar.

It will cause a sudden initial insulin spike but then you will experience an inevitable insulin crash as well. So beware. You might know that basic that lows and highs of sugar are related to the energy levels . . .

Yeah, you guessed it right and that is how you end up feeling sluggish.

Eating sugar also means that you are not consuming enough fiber and protein, the nutrients vital for sustaining energy, as all the space gets filled up by this ingredient.

3. Have you noticed your skin breaking out recently?

The insulin spike can lead to a hormonal cascade which inturns welcomes acne and rosacea.

So watch out as it would not be too long that such after-effects begin surfacing on your face. . . in just days. Note: I do not intend to scare you off but that is certainly a sign.

4. Are people around you seem more extra?

Have you started to find the company of some loved ones annoying?

Well if yes, then they have not gotten annoying rather it’s your mood which has taken a toll.

You can not blame yourself, but yet the sugar?

When the blood sugar crash happens then mood swings are bound to hit, leaving you with a crabby feeling.

So decide for yourself the validity of this equation. Awful Mood + Low Energy Level = Bad Attitude and all thanks to the high sugar level (The creator of such formula)

5. Always hungry = Weight Gain

The best point! There is not a hole of doubt and everyone knows it but fails to acknowledge. Excess sugar = Excess calories. The cool part is that sugary items are devoid of any fiber and protein the nutrients which own the ability to make you feel fuller. Thus even with that eleventh bar of chocolate and 12th scoop of ice cream, you will be like, “ What’s in for the meal!?”

More sugar consumption signals the brain to release more insulin hormone. This hormone is responsible for carrying sugar to the right organs but its excessive production due to excessive sugar consumption can lead to insulin resistance. This insulin resistance would not allow the body to use sugar the right way, without doubt, leading to weight gain.

6. Struck with cavities lately

Why mommy used to say when we were kids, “Do not excessive sugar else tooth decay?” Well, because sugar impacts the Ph level and boosts the production of bacteria which thrives and leads to the cavity. If you have been witnessing an increase in cavities then this is surely a green flag.

7. Foddy brain

Have you experienced a foggy brain and that too especially after consuming a meal? If yes then this fog is surely a sign of a low blood sugar level. Consuming excessive sugar leads to a rapid rise and fall of your blood sugar level and this sign of Poor blood sugar control positions you at a major risk for cognitive issues & impairment. Thus, watch ours for the brain fogginess.

8. You have ruined it

Have you been annoying cooks around you and picking holes at their faulty recipe? If yes then my friend it is not their recipe which is messed up but your taste buds and all thanks to excessive sugar level. Too much sugar ruins your base level and thus you would not feel the real taste of things. Even fruits would not feel like sweet enough. Oh has this happened to you? Caught you! You can surely get rid of this problem by yes… you guessed it right. sUGAR CONTROL.

9. Sugar Even not left your sleep … so think again

“I am experiencing from insomnia. . . another problem of life from piles of dozens, ” if that is you then my friend you are missing the culprit right here. Munching on a cookie or a cupcake is not okay before bedtime as it will cause short-term alertness, giving your body a boost of energy.




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10. Oh, Prematurely wrinkled? Sorry

“I must utilize my savings, time to hit dermatologist for the premature wrinkles!”

If this is the sign and feelings you are experiencing then high sugar consumption has done this to you. You need to bear in mind that high-sugar is bound to boost the skin aging process.

Why? Well, let’s refer to science here.

When sugar reacts with proteins present in the bloodstream it forms advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs). Sugar + Protein = Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs).

This advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) tend to damage the protein present in the skin collagen which makes your skin bouncy.

You are thus bound to look old. Do not be sorry for yourself rather limit the sugar consumption as it will make a difference.

11. Here comes the joint pain

“Joint Pain & that too at this early age?”

Are your ears stung by such remarks?

Well, this might not have a relation just with your age as sugar as always shares some credit. So to do the honors for sugar, let’s begin! :

There has been study done where consumption of sugary drinks has been linked with arthritis in women. Other researchers claim that people who consume five or more beverages (sweetened) a week (including fruit juice) share a common likelihood of owning arthritis.

12. Did motivation take Flight?

You have several articles bookmarked, several pins repinned and several watches for later videos pending regarding workout routine but guess what!

A fruitless effort. Why?

Well, there is no doubt assail in a fact that sugar can reduce physical activity.

Do not pay for the gym membership unless you are ready to control sugar else with low energy you will lose motivation to workout.

13. Yeah embarrassing call of nature

Are you lately getting into an embarrassing situation where frequent urination is forcing you to hit the loo more than often?

Well, again that high blood sugar level is not allowing the kidney to reabsorb the fluid.

14. Dry mouth & Excessive thirst

“Frequent urination” means “severe fluid loss” which then causes “strong thirst” consequently to a “dry mouth” and “blurred vision”.

So you get the chain! BRAVO.

15. Slow healing of wounds

The last sign talk. If you have been experiencing slow healing of wounds & cuts then this can surely happen due to vascular damage.

These vascular damages are the result of a high level of sugar in your body. This further worsens blood circulation.

Bonus sign: 16. Dump Depression

I do not understand why one befriends sugar when depressed as studies have found otherwise.

There have been several studies done where high-sugar consumption is causally related to depression.

15 Shocking Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

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Yoga For Weight Loss: 11 Poses That Destroy Fat

Yoga For Weight Loss: 11 Poses That Destroy Fat

 Confused? Lost? Doubtful? Well, if your brain cells are throwing questions regarding yoga for weight loss then you have landed in the right place.

REVELATION: Forget “it might” as yoga “surely can” help you lose weight. It is a weight loss tool which does not only challenges your body but also your mind.

Who . . . I question who does not like to hit one stone from two arrows? Every does right.

So, together with shedding weight through yoga, you can make your mind strong and become more self aware. Reading for a change in lifestyle? As with yoga, you are not only losing weight but keeping it off as well.

Tempted to get right into the 11 yoga poses that work fast for weight loss? Let’s dig in.

Note: You require just a good yoga mat for effectiveness. 

If you are interested 7 little known ways of losing weight then check this out.

1. Wide-legged forward bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Lower body gets stretched
  • Mind refreshes
  • Acts as a lower Backache reliever
  • Helps digestion
  • Creates a better posture
  • Activate the Energy Center

2. Half boat pose (Ardha Navasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Increases flexibility of your body
  • Helps in building steadiness to its core
  • Stimulates of your abdominal organs
  • Maintains the balance
  • Strengthens the hip flexors
  • Enhances the alignment of your body through spine stretch
  • This posture improves the blood circulation
  • Regulates the function of your pancreas and kidney
  • Revitalize your energy
  • Improves the digestive system
  • Stimulates your body’s metabolic rate

3. Side plank (Vasisthasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Strengthen the core (avoid hips from sagging towards the ground to actually make use of belly muscles)
  • Strengthens Arms and Wrists (do not lock your elbow or sink into the shoulder)
  • Strengthens Legs (do not lock supporting knee)
  • Improves Balance
  • Improves Concentration skills

4. Chair pose (Utkatasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Tones the leg muscles/tired legs
  • Strengthens hip flexors, ankles, calves, & back
  • Stretches shoulders & chest
  • Reduces flat feet
  • Reduces Stress
  • Stimulates the heart, diaphragm, & abdominal organs
  • Improves poor posture & promotes good Body Balance
  • Relieves backache, cervical problems & slip disc

5. Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Aids digestion(stimulate the movement of stuck wastes & relieves gas pains)
  • Relieve swollen legs(Gravity will work to haul excess fluids out of your ankles,legs & feet)
  • Calm a headache (alter your blood pressure)
  • Relaxes the mind/Soothe the nervous system
  • Improves circulation to the upper body & brain
  • Leads to Hair Fall Reduction
  • Is Therapeutic for Thyroid
  • Ensure Cardiovascular Fitness
  • Increases Strength & Flexibility
  • Boost Circulation and Prevents Varicose Veins
  • Turns the negative feelings into the pearls of wisdom
  • Relieves Common Cold( relieve nasal congestion)
  • Promotes in Sound Sleep

6. Tree pose (Vrikshasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Strengthens the spine through improvement in posture
  • Improves your neuro-muscular coordination
  • Deep-breathing helps in sustaining your mental-stability with physical compatibility.
  • Tone up your calves, thighs and leg muscles by holding on to this pose
  • Deepens your thorax
  • Improve your power of balance (mental, physical & emotional)
  • Gives relief from sciatica
  • Reduces the condition of flat feet.
  • Strengthen the bones of the legs and hips, the ligaments of ankles and feet
  • Establishes stability of mind & Body
  • Makes you stay calm and composed
  • Highly boosts focus & concentration
  • Offers the body optimum posture/ Fix posture related complaints
  • Strengthens the legs, thighs, spine, shoulders, and arms
  • Tones your arm & leg muscles (entire standing leg, up to the buttocks)
  • Strengthen tendon, ligaments in your ankles & feet
  • Turn you towards a rejuvenated & invigorated state
  • Helps body to establish pelvic stability
  • Builds high self-esteem
  • Boosts concentration

7. Dolphin pose (Ardha Pincha Mayusarana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Strengthens Back, Abdomen, Legs, Neck, Chest, mid- and lower back, hips & hamstrings
  • Energize the nervous system
  • Boost attention & concentration by increasing blood flow to the brain
  • Soothe compression between the vertebrae in the spine (caused by sitting for a long time)
  • Promotes sleep better
  • Improve digestion by stimulating digestive organs.
  • Strengthens the shoulders, arms, abdominals, back, hips and hamstrings.
  • Prepares the body for enough strength & flexibility in the shoulders to practice headstand.
  • Encourage better alignment in the spine
  • Relieves cramps, headaches & for easing anxiety

8. Fish pose (Matsyasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Ensures a Better Spinal Health
  • Provides Benefit to Thyroid (neck movements promotes the production of a number of thyroid hormones.)
  • Provides extra stretch to the gluteal muscles resulting in Toned Glutes
  • Beat the Stress/ Lightens Mood
  • Helps in good digestion
  • Eases menstrual discomfort
  • Detoxifies the body

9. Side leg lift pose (Ananthasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  •  Stretches and Strengthens by supporting the hips & shoulders
  • Eases Lower Back & Sciatica
  • Boost the Focus & Concentration level
  • Promotese proper Balance, Alignment & Coordination
  • Better Blood Circulation for supporting the functions of other organs
  • internal organs promotes balance & stability of the physical and mental body overall
  • Tones the abdominal muscles leading towards the improved digestion
  • Stretches & strengthens the sides of torso
  • Boost the flexibilty of the spine along with leg muscles
  • Stretches and strengthens the hamstrings
  • Targets weight loss on hips and thighs
  • Helps better circulation in legs by aiding the development of pelvic region
  • Cures hypertension, arthritis, colitis, and sciatica
  • Cures disorders related to the uterus, urinary bladder, ovaries, & prostate

10. Bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Stretches, strengthens the chest, neck, spine, leg & hips
  • Promotes the Strengthens of the back, buttocks, & hamstrings
  • Alleviate stress & mild depression
  • Calms the brain & central nervous system
  • Stimulates the lungs, thyroid glands, & abdominal organs
  • Aids digestion
  • Helps relieve during symptoms of menopause
  • Mitigate backache and headache
  • Fades fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia
  • Rejuvenates tired legs
  • Relieves symptoms of asthma & high blood pressure
  • Therapeutic for hypertension, sinusitis, & osteoporosis.
  • Relaxes whole body, soothes the brain & fades anxiety.
  • Therapy for a pregnant women.
  • Ensures the normal blood pressure.
  • Boost blood circulation

11. Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

Additional benefits apart from weight loss

  • Aids digestion & improves appetite
  • Cures obesity, gastrointestinal problems & rheumatism
  • Relieves constipation
  • Maintains a proper blood circulation
  • Makes back flexible, Strengthens back muscles & releases back pain
  • Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine & big intestine
  • Act as a stress reliever
  • Strengthens ankles, thighs, abdominal organs, groins, & chest
  • Improves body posture
  • Cures respiratory disorder like asthama
  • Stimulates reproductive organs
  • Improve function of the pancreas
  • Beneficial for diabetics


 Did you enjoy this compilation? Save THIS PIN below to your yoga for weight loss board on PINTEREST and check any of these poses later!

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(Image Credits: Nicholas A. Tonelli)

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