Turn From Fat To Fit (3 Incredibly Easy Ways) |Home remedies to lose belly fat in 10 days

Turn From Fat To Fit (3 Incredibly Easy Ways) |Home remedies to lose belly fat in 10 days

Are you ready to attack weight loss plan ? Great. Well, you need to remember that YOU ARE NOT FAT!

Yes, you read it right.

YOU ARE NOT FAT . . . You have fat.

Let’s get straight to the point. Dieting or following any weight loss program is like a skill where you have to buckle down and work at it. 

You need to approach weight loss in a reasonably smart way for effective results. Short term stuff doesn’t work!I

I know you are ready to turn from fat to fit ! If you need transformation and the secrets of how to go from fat to fit then you need these tips. Get flat tummy, lower belly this summer with a whole lifestyle change. 

You need to make certain permanent changes for shedding inches off your waist. This article covers a fairly simple way of approaching weight loss.

Tired of hearing that do exercise? Drink water? Cut on fats? Include proteins?

Watch out carbs? Work on a calorie deficit? Get fat to fit daily routines, eating habits and remedies for flatter stomach!

Avoid Sodas? Drink teas? Starve yourself? And the list will go on! We all know these things.

So what’s the problem? 

The problem is of commitment, motivation, and serious guidelines. Quite a big one huh? Well, no!

This article just covers 3 potential ways which guarantee your fat to fit journey in just under a month. You need to invest in yourself for best, safe and worth sharing results. 

You should treat your body not with a $30 fatty snack but with a scientifically proven weight loss program that will favor your body. 

If you are interested in Spike Diet then hop on to this article to lose belly fat. 

qaw1- Don’t Waste Time! Enroll in a weight loss program

You have wasted enough of your time already, now is the time to enroll in the most accredited weight loss program.

This is a sure-fire way which can make you lose belly fast.
I know what you are like, “there are so many crappy sales programs out there which in the true sense of word provide no support.”

There is no hole of doubt in that. But what if you find the best one? Let me tell you how!

Go for those programs which provide you a 100% money-back upon dissatisfaction.

Logically simple right? Only those programs which in the actual sense of word provides value will give this offer.

Todd is so confident that the participant will see significant changes as such programs guarantees results.

I can truly recommend 21-day flat belly fix challenge, as many have gone for this choice without regret. See for yourself.

This program fulfills every criterion which is essential for weight loss.

You need to opt for an expert’s weight loss program. You should not hesitate to follow an expert like Todd, as his research is backed by science.

Your body needs certain items in certain proportions.

If you want to know the accurate science behind such measurements then flat belly fix is highly advisable.

Many people around the world have already benefited from this cheap program which guarantees weight loss.

A simple yet effective approach without sinking in starvation mode.

2- Choose Keto Diet  & Get expert guidance for it

If you are not a fan of following popular diets (paleo, keto, Mediterranean, etc) then you can skip this advice completely.

And If you certainly have no or less idea about what keto is then I highly recommend you to go through this article.

In short, the diet comprises of surviving on eggs, sausages, and bacon.

There are rules for every diet, so does keto has.

There is a general rule for every diet: If you start tossing crap again into your body then there is a high chance of regaining the weight!

By opting for keto, you are pushing your body towards quick results in less time.

You will find the studies all over the internet which suggest that several people have lost 15 pounds within weeks of starting it properly and but then the weight loss process slowed down.

The process has to slow down as you will not keep on losing weight like crazy!

There is a difference between following a diet and successfully following any diet.

If you want to try out keto then you should avail this opportunity.

Why do several diets fail?

Well, missing out essentials and skipping vital factors in any diet plan means upsetting the overall body system. You have to stick to do’s and don’t.

Keto makes you reach your ideal weight but . . . 

a huge but . . . if done right.

Generally, this diet comprises of 5% of carbs, 20% of protein consumption and 75% of fat.

Don’t want to drown into all this maths and still get the best possible results through this diet?

This lady right here reveal all secrets of keto. This is by far the most reliable and popular method of practicing keto across the internet.

Her professional help has got you covered for 28 days! She what you can get?

3- Effective 2-day Diet Plan

The third point is that you can follow a two-day diet mentioned below in this article. This diet has all the food groups included which mean you will not be going for a zero carb diet.

You just have to focus on a few things like cutting on sodium to decrease water retention.

Once you get rid of water retention then losing weight will become much easier than you think.

There can be a probability that you want to lose more weight, in those scenarios, you can repeat this diet after every two days for significant weight loss.

But this diet primarily, in the short term, aims to get rid of retained water.

You also need to add a few exercises for optimal results as the combination of diet and exercise offers satisfactory results.

2 Day Diet – Day 1

Grab a bowl of low-fat natural yogurt and top it with a handful of fresh berries. Are you fond of sweet taste? In that case, you can drizzle some honey.

Next, you need to take about 300g of tomato and basil soup. Be accurate in the measurement. Next, you can consume orange with a tablespoon of nuts.

Measure about 90g of chicken-style Quorn pieces. You need to stir fry them some nutritious veggies like onions, red pepper, broccoli, and spinach.

Use a 1 teaspoon of olive. Couple this with about 3 tablespoons of brown rice. Yes! You read it right. Only 3 tablespoons and brown rice instead of white!

Evening Snack
Grab 2 kiwi fruits.

2 Day Diet – Day 2

Grab a tiny bowl of porridge and semi-skimmed milk. Consume raisins as well (only a handful).

Time for potato (100g) and baked beans. You need to ensure that the beans you take have low sodium and sugar levels.

Have been waiting for grilled fish? Now is the time! Grill yourself one and enjoy it with a green salad. Next, you need a salad and top it with olive oil, lemon juice/ balsamic vinegar.

Evening Snack
Grab an apple and drizzle it with honey. Consume low-fat yogurt as well! 

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9 Effortless Home Remedies To Lose Weight On Tummy And Hips [2020]

9 Effortless Home Remedies To Lose Weight On Tummy And Hips [2020]

Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips

You might find thousands of home remedies online! But you will truly make a difference by targeting the basics.

You need to start from the first fundamental approach for losing weight on tummy and hips. This article will cover 9 simple and basic rules which can make a whole lot difference.

This article won’t just leave you with: Opt for nutritious foods, eat proteins, get low energy density foods, stay away from certain foods, know the reality of fats and watch out the lapses! Too generic for you?

Well, idiotsguidebook won’t leave you with do this and do that! Avail these sample meal plans which are easier to follow than you think!

Most important thing:  If you are not investing 0n yourself and relying on inconsistent weight loss schedule then you are fighting against time, which will yield no significant change.

So set a target today! If the only thing you get is expert tips for weight loss for women and insider understanding of dissolving your fat then you can expect scientific miracles. 

I can recommend experts who exactly knows what it takes to dissolve that stubborn Ugly Fat. I have been recommending Todd sinces ages! You probably have heard about his 21 day belly fix challenge. A proven program that deserves your attention today. 

Back To This article: Avail new ideas, natural treatments, products, diet, and a lot more in these simple home remedies to lose weight. Excited?  Let’s dig in:

Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips

Rule #1 – Frequency is the key! Eat Regular Meals

You need to realize that starvation is not the solution to successful weight loss. Our body is designed in a way that it demands fueling, else it can very easily deform.

Start simple and begin eating frequent meals for keeping your body satisfied. You are in this weight loss journey for the long run thus for long term weight loss control you need to consume regular frequent meals.

This rule doesn’t demand from you to keep packs of junk nearby and keeping tossing it into your mouth now and then.

Nor thus this rule means to skip breakfast and starve all day.
Ideally, you must aim to consume 3 meals each day and then 3 additional small snacks, evenly spaced out. Various weight-loss experts will urge you to consume 6 small meals each day.

There has been a study carried out which proves that consumption of small meals promotes weight loss.

But then there are other studies which rightfully prove that no matter how many times you eat, the only thing which matter is the total calories you consume each day.

The trick is that the calorie intake inbound to reduce if you will space out your meals for 6 different periods. 

To control your appetite it is best to eat low-calorie food frequently.

There are pieces of evidence that suggest that consuming 3 standards meals must be accompanied by a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack for best-controlling appetite. The great thing is you can increase your energy intake through this method. 

Meal Timing

Have you ever questioned that does meal timing owns any real value?
Are timings in any way connected with your ability to lose weight? Is this one of the home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips?

Well, yes!

There are numerous studies that prove that you should not skip breakfast or eat late in the day. As this is a sure-fire reason for your weight gain. Want a logical approach? Our metabolism slows down as we sleep.

It means we don’t burn any food rather store it in the form of fat. By delaying our breakfast, we are slowing down the metabolism even further.

Thus, it is recommended that one should consume breakfast within 20 minutes of waking up, as consumption during these timings will control your appetite in a much better way.

You will notice the difference yourself that you will be eating overall less.

Hey, wait . . . what is the practical approach to add infrequent meals? Consume 6 meals at regular intervals each day as this will avoid the overeating process.

Due to realize which time of the day is the most dangerous, when every sort of junk threatens you?

You guessed it right!

Evening snack. So skip it – one of the home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips.

Thus by practicing early breakfast and mid-morning snacks, you are eliminating the possibility of evening hunger pangs! You just removed the threat. 

Rule #2 – Go Low! OH I meant Low Energy Density Foods

By now it must have been drilled into your head that the amount of food is not important.

The vital aspect is the energy you consume and that which is contained within the food.

Are you aware of what are low energy density foods?

These are the foods which contain fewer calories per gram. Like fruits and veggies.

If you ever get confused by the energy density being offered in the food then simply divide the number of calories by weight. 100 calorie food divide by 100 gram of food = 1 energy density!

I always knew you are proficient in maths!
Food which contains Very Low Energy Density have a value of 0.5 or less (fresh fruits and vegetables)

Similarly, foods with an energy density of 0.6 –1.5 are Low Energy Density.

Want to know which ones fall in this category?

Well, all those starchy foods like rice and pasta (especially wholemeal), not Greek-style yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese. 

The Medium Energy Density ranges from 1.6 – 4.0. The foods which fall under this energy density limit are bread, low fat/half fat cheeses, dried fruit, eggs and many fat-free snacks.

Lastly, high energy density foods own the value of 4.1 and above.

Examples? Yes, you guessed it right! All those pizzas, oily, buttery foods and cheesy, creamy items!

Your diet should comprise most of the low energy density foods as it can easily cut down your calorie intake 400 calories each day.

The best thing is that you will not at all feel as if you have done yourself a favor of following any diet.

All you need to do is include a high percentage of veggies and fruits in your diet, be it as a starter or dessert.

One of the effective home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips.

If you will be going for high energy density foods (pizza) then in no time you will feel hungry.

Do you need practical examples of how to incorporate low energy density food in your diet?
Well, you need to look for high fiber foods [bread, cereals] as they will keep you fuller.

Are you like . . . “ what did you just recommend me cereal?”

Well, yes, but there is a way of consuming it! You don’t have to gobble down a large bowl of cereal.

Rather get yourself a small bowl and dress your cereal with chopped fresh fruits.

Don’t forget to include low-fat yogurt as well.

You can’t forget the importance of adding veggies like slices of cucumbers or tomatoes in your sandwiches as these will keep you fuller for quite some time.

Love pasta sauce?

Well, the chopped mushrooms, peppers are must ingredients.
Make a habit of consuming a piece of fruit before lunch and dinner.
Do you know soups can significantly reduce your appetite?

Great! But stay away from cream-based ones. Prefer vegetable soup before the main meals.

Are you making the right use of water?

If you are not drinking a glass of water before your meals then you are missing out on the opportunity of suppressing your appetite.

If you are busy individuals and don’t have time to make soup then simply replace the intake of soup with water as both functions in the same way.

Are not all these methods mentioned above damn simple! You don’t have to compromise on your taste but just get a little strategic with your approach of eating food.

This approach covered how you could get 5 portions of fruit and veg a day!

Here’s How He Saved His Wife’s Life With a . . .

5-Second “Hack” That  KILLS Food Cravings

and MELTS 62lbs of Raw Fat

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Rule #3 – Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips: Consume Protein

Are you consuming a portion of protein with every meal? NOOOO?

Well, in that case, I think you are influenced by the Foods Standards Agency which recommends limiting protein intake.

I know… You are like what’s food standards agency!
The point here is that there are countless sources that prove that high protein consumption can outperform carb diet when it comes to fat loss! Great right.

There was some eye-opening research that proves that higher protein intake is more favorable.

This is a whole new debate!

There is a study by the American Heart Association’s where dieters were allowed to consume as much food as they wanted to.

This resulted in the protein group dieters consuming about 500 calories or less each day!

For example, one study compared a diet according to the American Heart
Association’s guidelines (high carbohydrate) versus a high protein version.

Do you want to know why protein is recommended?
You know the whole story of metabolism right!

That if we jump into starvation mode and consume less food throughout the day then it tends to reduce the metabolic rate and thus the fat burning process.

To curb the fall in metabolic rate, protein comes to the rescue.
Secondly, protein is more satiating than carbs! You will feel more satisfied by consuming proteins! 

If you are in weight loss journey for long then the worst nightmare that strikes your head is the possibility of losing lean muscle!

Spot on right!

By following certain diet plans, the loss in healthy, lean muscle is inevitable.

BUT . . . BUT . . . A HUGE BUT . . .

If you will be consuming proteins then it will preserve the muscle tissues thus making sure that weight loss results from the fat stores rather than from lean muscles!

I know exactly what you are thinking . . .

“Does this imply that relying on so popular carb diets was my worst decision?”

Well, no!

Carbs are not bad or fattening. They are one of the essential food groups needed for slim trim!

This point just suggests that don’t underestimate the potential of proteins.

Need some practical guide? How to incorporate protein in my diet without getting excessive?

Make it a habit to include a portion of protein with every meal you consume.

You need to add eggs, milk, cheese, fish, meat, poultry, and yogurt. If you are vegetarian then include Quorn, soy, tofu, and nuts.

The portions have to be strictly clenched fist or palm-sized!

Next, find the low-fat versions of the protein. What? You need tot to seek meat with fat and skin cut off.

You also need to limit the egg yolks in your favorite scrambled eggs!

You should also incorporate protein with snacks like cashews, peanuts, and almonds.

Easy right! How are these Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips? 

 Rule #4 – Play with Fats, Pump Good Fats, Dump the bad ones!

Do you know that a single gram of fat comprises of twice as much as energy as carbs or protein!

The interesting part is that many are aware of the threats offered by fatty food. But seems not to care!

Look, not all fat is bad. Good fat is vital for the protection of important organs like the heart and lungs.

Fat is needed by your body to transport vitamins throughout your body.

Saturated Fat

Let’s discuss the saturated fat. These comprise of cheese, butter and egg yolks.

Apart from these, all those cookies, prepared cakes, and pies fill the list.

These saturated fat are the cause of heart diseases. Is a questioning is flooding your mind that which fat is considered as low fat and high fat?

If there is more than 5 gram of fat in your food of 100 gram this is saturated high fat.

But if only 1.5 fat is present in 100 gram of food then this is low fat.

The solution? You need to formulate your diet in a way that you cut of high-fat foods.

Get yourself leaner proteins (removing skin, low-fat versions).

No more frying and roasting meals. Instead go for grilling, steaming, baking, and boiling.

Check for the percentage of fat present in your sandwich spread and choose the low-fat one.
Replace the usage of cream with low-fat yogurt.

Trans Fats

Heard of trans fat? Well, these also fall in the category of bad fat. These are more dangerous and harmful than saturated ones.

These fats are formed when liquid vegetable oil turns to solid fats due to hydrogenation.


In short, minimize the consumption of fast food, biscuits, pastries, and cakes so that trans fats won’t be a threat!

Unsaturated Fats

These fats are good for you and are present in canola oil, avocados, olive oil, almonds, and pecans.

You will find these fats in sunflower oil, corn oil, and safflower oil.

These are healthy fats but again be mindful of their consumption.

You need to realize that fat in any form has very high energy which means more calories.

These can slow down your weight loss journey, thus be careful.

But they are better than saturated ones. Thinking of ways to replace saturated ones with the unsaturated ones?

Well, choose an oily fish like mackerel or salmon instead of going for fatty Meats.

Butter and lard fall under saturated fats thus must be replaced with olive, sunflower oil, and rapeseed oil.

Are you still using cream cheese or mayo as you dip? Oh, boy! You need to stop! Please start using mashed avocado dip!

Fond of mashed potatoes? No worries, but don’t just season it with garlic or olive oil.

Crazy for biscuits? Replace it with unsalted nuts (uncooked ones)
Replace all your parties and cakes with fruits!

Essential Fats

There are two types of essential fatty acids. Yeah, you guessed it right! Omega-3 and Omega-6
Let’s get to the point.

There is a relation between burning fat and these fatty acids.

Well, there are studies carried out which proves that Omega-3 can boost fat loss.

This fatty acid tends to increase fat metabolism during rest and exercise .

Omega-3 is present in fish oil. Yeah, you get it right! That is why there were a huge trend and demand for the consumption of fish oil. And that unforgettable love for salmon.

Rule #5 – Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips – Ditch and Divorce!

One of the best Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips is to let go few things in your lifestyle.


Let’s solve the confusion of alcohol for once and all. Alcohol can’t be used as fuel
And its consumption can make it hard to lose fat.

How alcohol can do all this?!
Well, alcohol boosts the appetites which will make force you to overeat.

Alcohol also restricts the burning of fat. Moreover, it negatively affects lean muscle mass. Thus, it is a wise decision to stay at a distance with alcohol during the whole weight loss journey


Are you consuming a lot of salt and without realizing it? You should realize that salt is already 3 quarters of salt is already present in the foods you consume.

Are you having trouble determining what is high salt consumption?

If your 100 g of food has more than 1.5 g of salt than this is high! And 0.3 g of salt per 100 g is considered as low.

How to naturally cut down on salt?

Habitual of adding salt to the water while boiling rice or pasta or potatoes?
Make use of Himalayan salt or rock salt. You will never want to make use of traditional table salt again once you start using this pure version.


You already know the role of water in the weight loss right? Let’s back the claim by further research.

Celebrities swear by how high consumption of water leads to drastic weight loss. Journal of the American Dietetic Association recommends the consumption of about 2.9 liters of non-caffeinated water.

If you are not aware then consume cold water as it tends to boost the metabolic rate. How?
Well, your body expends energy to heat it.

Rule #6 – Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips: Be a step ahead with lapse!

No one is perfect! And especially when it comes to resisting food . . . sometimes it becomes quite impossible.

There can be several reasons for having odd lapse during the diet plan.

This is normal and will not harm your overall weight loss journey if you will react strategically after they occurred.

You need to intentionally plan some cheat meal each week so that you could attain long term weight loss success.
Need some advice?

 1- You can plan at most 2 cheat meal per week.

2- Where to accommodate the cheat snack? Try making it the last meal of the day.


Well, if you start your day by cheating then your whole day will become a cheat day, without your realizing it. So never start with a cheat meal very early on.


Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips: Avail this Sample Meal 

Let’s scan through the sample menus which abide by the rules mentioned above!
Breakfast: Cereal
Snack: Piece of fruit
Lunch: Tuna salad sandwich on wholemeal bread
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Grilled chicken breast + Vegetable rice + Yoghurt & fruit
The food listed in this menu is not only healthy but also low energy density foods which will help you lose weight fast.

Breakfast: Corn flakes with skimmed milk
Snack: 2 slices white toast with jam, don’t make use of butter
Lunch: Beans with wholemeal bread
Snack: Piece of fruit
Dinner: Low-fat lasagne + Yoghurt
This low in fat & low in calories meal plan . This meal doesn’t have much low energy density foods. But you can always replace cornflakes with high fiber cereal with some fresh or dried fruit for compensating that.

Menu 3
Breakfast: Banana, porridge with honey
Snack: Low fat bran muffin, apple
Lunch: 2 wholemeal pitas + Avocado + mixed beans & tomato filling
Snack: Mixed dried fruit (preferably almonds) + Glass of fresh orange
Dinner: Wholemeal pasta + Tomato sauce with chopped peppers, mushrooms and asparagus
This diet plan comprises of low energy density food and fiber-rich foods. A perfect mix of veggies and fruits.
For a more effective approach, you can replace low-fat muffin with yogurt. Plus, try adding a glass of skimmed milk into your breakfast. You can also stuff a clenched fist-sized chicken piece to your dinner or lunch for protecting your muscle.

Breakfast: Fresh orange + Porridge with sugar + Green Tea + Wholemeal toast with jam
Snack: Reduced fat carrot cake
Lunch: Vegetable soup + Prawn salad + Apple + Fruit smoothie
Snack: Banana + Chocolate biscuit + Green Tea
Dinner: Low-fat spaghetti bolognaise ready meal + Mixed salad + Low fat ice cream
You can replace the carrot cake with yogurt and fruit.

Breakfast: Tangerine or two + Scrambled eggs, Wholemeal toast, Cup of coffee
Snack: Natural yogurt, 2 pieces of fruit
Lunch: Vegetable soup, Wholemeal pitta, Grilled chicken, mixed salad with olive oil & lemon juice dressing for a filling
Snack: Small bag of almonds/cashews and raisins, Cup of herbal tea
Dinner: Apple, Grilled salmon, Boiled new potatoes, steamed broccoli & carrots, Low-fat dressing such as honey and wholegrain mustard

This meal plan contains less saturated fat and more low energy density foods.

Keep in mind that whenever you are following any weight loss program the best practice is to write sample menus a week ahead.

By following these meal for quite a few times, you will embed the 6 rules in your mind without realizing it.


Rule #8 – Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips: Get Shaking! 

How to target hips? Try Aerobics for burning a decent number of calories per hour.

If you are not aware yet then the American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of exercise five or more days per week. Don’t have fancy types of equipment?

Not a big deal! Your stairs will work just fine! You need to climb them frequently.

You should also try kickboxing for intense lower body workout and for targeting your hips. Just play a kickboxing DVD in your room and get started!

Another recommended way is to go for Zumba, as dancing around makes you significantly lose weight!

Rule #9- Home remedies to lose weight on tummy and hips:  Target your fats!

Incorporate strength training in your daily routine, like squats and lunges.

As you need to target your lower body. These exercises involve an intense leg workout.

For targeting your tummy, go for crunches and push up as these are ideal for burning pounds from upper body and core. Frequency? At least twice a week.

 Are you ready to make healthy amendments to your overall living plan? It will do wonders!  


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Life-changing Way To Lose 10 Pounds [2020]

Life-changing Way To Lose 10 Pounds [2020]

Explore this lose 10 pounds in 2 days guaranteed way.

This wish is possible and not possible at the same time!

You are looking to lose weight quickly so in that scenario, weight loss programs work the best as the premium ones are designed to give you quick guaranteed results.

There are a bunch of programs to choose from. But there is one cheap and highly effective program which ensures the result.


Though you can choose what fits you!

Or you can entirely ignore investing in yourself and instead invest some time which has to be highly committed.

This article will exactly guide you on how to shape and prepare your body so that it becomes a fat-burning machine.

Once you train your body then you can surely lose 10 pounds in 2 days…whatnot.

Ready for extreme weight loss?

You are about to train your body to lose 10 pounds in two days. For best health you need to workout,exercise and follow some unshared tips.

Avail best diet plan and explore best products mentioned above.

Let’s dig in!

Lose pounds in 2 days guaranteed with Calorie Deficit

Tired of hearing about keeping an account of calories?

You need to know your calorie deficit for getting optimal results.

Hate maths?

No problem.

Make use of this calculator to stay guided in the process. Personalize your deficit as everybody is different.

Powered by YAZIO

Lose 10 pounds in 2 days guaranteed: Stock Up on Nutrient-Dense Foods

Realize the importance of foods packed with nutritious value.

You want a speedier weight loss right? Well, for that you have to make conscious food choices and become pro in swapping.

Befriend nutrient-rich foods as only they can help you to control your undue cravings and thus the weight.

Protein like chicken keeps you fuller for a long period as they take time to burn.

You have to search for opportunities where you can add more fibrous food in your diet.

Like? Beans and leafy veggies!

Increase Exercise to Rev Your Metabolism

 Tired of reading about exercising?

I can feel you! But there is a difference between, “exercising to lose weight” and “effectively exercising to lose weight”

Once you get the difference between the two, you can achieve every milestone of your weight loss journey.

Do you know what metabolism depends on?

Well, the metabolic rate is largely determined by your age, genetics, and BMR (basal metabolic rate).

If you are looking for the ways of boosting BMR and you will have to increase your body’s muscle mass.


Well, muscle burns more calories if compared to fats.

Indulge yourself in those exercises which build up your muscle, so you could burn up more calories then initially planned.

This isn’t much hard as with the help of strength and cardio training, there is a high probability that you will gain muscle mass.

Has anyone not given you proper guidance when it comes to cardio?

Well, you need to SWAP! What?

Well, you have to replace those steady-state exercises like walking and jogging with high-intensity interval training.

You might be aware that in this training you have to alternate between intense exercise (breathless level ) and recovery.

Best recommendations for keeping your metabolism rate high.

(According to Harvard Health Publishing) How to keep your muscle mass growing?

Well, for that you will have to overload weight training! National Academy of Sports Medicine.

Don’t jump on heavyweights at once as you will be greeting hospital then!

Instead, be gradual in the process and progress by adding a little more weight each week. 

Drink at least 2 liters of water spread out throughout the day ( in 3-5 parts)

People waste a long time battling with water theory.

A simple phenomenon of consuming more weight for weight loss doesn’t slip into many heads.

Have you experienced water weight?

Well, this is because you are keeping your body dehydrated and thus it is clinging to every last drop by storing it in your belly.

If you don’t want the water weight to overall deform you, then you should not let your body starved.

Apart from relieving bloating, high consumption water means a great boost in metabolism.

If you are having a hard time understanding the theory then no problem.

Let’s break it down for you.

Consider water as oil for cells which is vital for overall smooth function.

Dehydration slows down the metabolism, as cells didn’t receive enough lubrication for working smoothly.

Instead of water, the waste starts to accumulate in them which drain them of the whole energy.

Even 1% of dehydration can lower your metabolism to a great degree which you have no idea of. (WebMD)

Why will you ignore such an easy technique of losing weight in less time?

Want us to let the cat out of the bag!

Consumption of a cup of water means a cut of calorie intake by . . . 65 calories! Consume 16 glasses at least (16*65= ?? Do the math!!!) Yeah losing pounds is this easy! Will you underestimate the power of water ever again? Add some flavor to it if you hate drinking it plain!

Eat a maximum of ½ a teaspoon of salt a day

Cut on your sodium intake.

Yes, you will have to avoid salty foods (say no to packaged foods and snacks)

3 Eat only fruits and veggies as much as you like for 2 days.

What you should eat for two days to see any results?

Lose 10 pounds in 2 days guaranteed: Stick to fruits and veggies

The best thing is that it doesn’t sound boring.

Relying on fruits and veggies alone will make you lose 5 pounds in the following 2 days.

How? This intake will sharply lower your calories by 50%.

Veggies and fruits are high in fiber thus you will lose weight much faster.

Can’t think of the ways of incorporating vegetables into your diet?

Well, start loving salads. Replace your snacks with fruits!

Consider eating apple especially as it contains fiber which is saturated with pectin.

All this in short means that you will feel fuller for a longer period!

Tip: Incorporate green smoothies in the breakfast to trim down quickly.

Need the recipe? Click here to download instantly.

You need to realize that you are shaping your body.

You are developing a healthy and effective routine which will kickstart the whole weight loss process which has been tanked.

You are setting yourself to drop the weight to any number you want, be it 5, 10 or 20 pounds, etc!

Pick a workout gear to stay motivated and SERIOUS about your weight loss commitment!

As the gear can affect your performance.

If you are not quite satisfied with the reason of fulling yourself with veggies then scan through these points:

Veggies only contain 20 calories per serving which mean about 4 times lesser than other food items.

Next, you can shoot up your water intake through the consumption of veggies as they are saturated with its high percentage.

Vegetables contain high potassium which means proper fluid regulation in the body.

All these points are vital for losing weight quickly and safely.

This article further provides you with a proper diet plan which you can follow for 48 hours.

As we didn’t want to leave you with:
Drink more water, do more exercise and consume a proper diet!

Too generic!

Let’s guide you with the true action plan which you can start tomorrow! (Mentally prepare yourself today for the commitment!

Lose 10 pounds in 2 days guaranteed : Day 1- Diet Plan

Nutty Oatmeal + Apples (around 300 calories)
Soak 1/2 cup dry quick oats in 1/2 cup original soy milk and top it with a 1 small chopped apple + 1 tablespoon walnuts.

Apple will fill you up quickly and moreover, it contains about 85 percent of water. Plus, oatmeal will help you with regulating your cholesterol.

Fresh Tomato + Bean Stuffed Pita (around 400 calories)
Next, you need to 1 medium whole wheat pita with 1/2 cup canned white beans, 1 cup chopped tomato and 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil.

You can then dress up your lunch with 2 tablespoons vinaigrette.

Why whole wheat pita is recommended? Well, it is low in saturated fat! And high in dietary fiber. You must be already aware of that bean is a powerhouse of nutrients.

Yogurt with Honey (roughly 100 calories)
Thinking about the snack? Simply get yourself 1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt and toss in 1 teaspoon of honey.

Well, yogurt is a source of protein and good probiotics (good bacteria).

Both of these are essential for effective weight loss.

Salmon with Quinoa & Broccoli (around 400 calories)
Grab nutrient-filled 3 ounces grilled salmon, a cup chopped broccoli florets which is rich in vitamins A and C and 3/4 cup cooked quinoa saturated with high proteins. Add 1 teaspoon pine nuts and 1 juiced lemon in your dinner as well.

Day 1: Workout

Diet will do its job but you have to shake a little!

Bring a proper schedule in your workout so that you could see the results of your efforts. It is all about the frequency and forming a habit.

If you want to stop after the high-intensity workout then you should stop briefly and then continue with it.

Working out at 75 percent of your target heart rate. What is my target heart rate (your age – 226*0.75= percentage of target heart rate)

Are you ready to burn about 300 calories in an hour? Have some more time? Increase the cardio time from 7 minutes to 10 while repeating round A & B three times.

Cardio 1
Give yourself 2 minutes of warming up, so start jogging for this duration.

Go for interval train for 3 to 5 minutes.

You need to boost the intensity so start jogging on an incline or simply rise your speed and keep it steady.


1. Push-Ups
Do 20 repetitions of push-ups.

2. Leg Lifts
Next, perform leg lifts 20 times. All you need to do is to lie flat and extend the legs straight. Next, lift your top leg, then lower it down. Make sure you are not touching the bottom leg in the process.

3. Repeat steps 1-2

Cardio 2
Love jumping? Well, do skipping at least 7 minutes.


1. Chest Press with Dumbbells
Grab medium weight of about 10 pounds and position yourself on an incline bench.

Hold the weight to your should height and lean back against the incline bench.

You should have a proper adjustment of dumbells done.

Next, extend the dumbells up and lower your arms to the original place. (repeat 20 times)

2. Walking Lunges
You need to do 20 walking lunges as directed in the video below.

3. Triceps Extensions
All you need to do is to lie flat on the bench while holding about 10-pound dumbells in your each had.

Extend arms to the ceiling, bend at the elbows and then lower your dumbells to ears(repeat 20 times)

4. Repeat

After taking a 30-second break, just repeat round B.

Cardio 3
Time for Interval train ( 7 minutes). You need to boost the intensity so start jogging on an incline or simply rise your speed and keep it steady.

1. Double Crunch
Perform double crunches 20 times.
2. Twisting Bicycle
Perform this cardio by laying straight on your back and alternating touches of your elbows to the opposite knee (while coming up for a crunch).
(20 crunches)
3. Leg Lifts
20 repetitions of leg lifts
4. Plank
Perform plank and make sure to stay in a position for 30 seconds.
5. Repeat steps 1-4. 

Lose 10 pounds in 2 days guaranteed: Day 2- Diet

Almond Toast + Blueberries (around 300 calories)
Spread 1 tablespoon almond butter over 2 slices of toasted whole wheat bread
And pair the combo with 1 cup of fresh blueberries.
This low calories, rich in fiber food is sure to act as an antioxidant.

Spinach Salad (around 400 calories)

Toss 2 cups spinach, a cup chopped carrots, 1 large hard-boiled chopped egg, 1 medium baked and chopped potato into the bowl.

Use 2 tablespoons vinaigrette for dressing. Try to use spinach as often as possible.

You need to replace iceberg with spinach as without doubt if offers more benefits.

Spinach is a great source of ACE! WHAT? vitamins A, C, and E! The list will go on if iron and vitamin k are to be added on.

How can one forget magnesium and calcium source! You need eggs for building muscle and losing weight.

Sunflower Butter over celery (around 100 calories)
Relish the taste of a tablespoon of sunflower butter over 2 medium celery stalks!
Great source of vitamin E!

Chicken Vegetable Stir-Fry + Brown Rice (around 400 calories)

Grab 1/2 cup cooked brown rice for great digestion and pair it with 3 ounces grilled and diced chicken breast (proteins).

Top the combination with a tablespoon of sliced almonds and a tablespoon of freshly chopped cilantro.

Enjoy this serving with a cup of mixed vegetables.

Day 2: Workout

Cardio 1
Same as day 1. Give yourself 2 minutes to warm up thus jog.

Next interval train for 5 minutes. You know the drill of boosting the intensity of jogging by increasing speed or changing platform

1. Dumbbell Rows
Repeat dumbell rows for 20 times

2. Squats
Perform 20 repetitions of squats. Squats are getting too easy? Hold 8 pounds of weight in your hands.

3. Biceps Curls
Simply curl 5-pound dumbbells toward shoulders for 20 times.

4. Repeat steps 1-3.

Cardio 2
Perform skipping for 7 minutes.


1. Reverse Flye
Perform 20 repetitions of reverse fly

2. Step-Ups

Fond of step-ups?

You simply have to keep your one foot on the bench while other on the ground and then step up on the bench alternatively with each foot.
Perform 20 repetitions.

3. Lateral Shoulder Raise
Grab a 5-pound dumbbell in your every hand and perform Lateral Shoulder Raise 20 times.

4. Repeat steps 1-3.

Cardio 3
Interval train (7 minutes). You know the drill of boosting the intensity of jogging by increasing speed or changing platform


1. Double Crunch
20 repetitions
2. Twisting Bicycle
Do 20 crunches of this exercise
3. Leg Lifts
Do 20 reps of leg lifts on each side
4. Plank
Perform 20 reps.
5. Repeat steps 1-4.

If you appreciate the effort then pin this fam!

21 Ways To Lose Belly Fat 10 Times Faster & Better Than Before

21 Ways To Lose Belly Fat 10 Times Faster & Better Than Before


Excited to explore new ways To Lose Belly Fat ? These weight loss tips are simple, easy and fastest possible.  How to get rid of ten pounds? Explore these Ways To Lose Belly Fat.

These home remedies are for women and teens (simple girl guide) . Stay motivated and see how detox, green teas, strength training, running and simple crunches can get you slim.

These home remedies and Ways To Lose Belly Fat weight loss will give reuslt in less than 30 days. 

Ready to equip yourself with these effective remedies? Get going!

1- Don’t Waste Time! Enroll in a weight loss program

The quickest way to lose belly fat fast is getting enrolled in an accredited weight loss program. Yes for fast results and the actual results you need to invest in yourself. You need motivation and proven guidance, after all health is wealth.

Unfortunately, there are so many crappy sales programs out there which in the true sense of word provide no support. But I can also list a few which without a doubt work wonders.

How to identify which programs will provide guaranteed results? A very logical and simple answer to this question is to go for those programs which provide 100% money-back upon dissatisfaction after the purchase.

Secondly, you should resonate with the weight loss journey which the creator has to tell. Thirdly, the cost of the program should approximately be like the average burger you take!

I only recommend the best seller digital product which is being sold every minute around the world.  One of the programs is 21-day flat belly fix. I have been recommending Todd, the creator of this program to many and they have gone for this choice without regret. See for yourself.

2-Get expert guidance of keto diet

If you are not fond of strictly following any diet plans then you may skip this point completely. But if you want to try your luck with diets then keto plan is for you.

The problems associated with diets are many. Like for instance, if you miss out a few essential factors while practicing any diet (paleo, keto, Mediterranean, etc) then you may land up upsetting your overall body system.

There are the do’s and don’ts in every diet plan which ensures its optimal function. You can refer several articles on keto.

But still if you are unsure and needed a person to guide make you a pro in practicing keto perfectly then she has got you covered. Stick around with her just for 28 days for a right and effective track for the keto diet plan.

3-Secret About Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar

You may have come across this magic miracle several times. Why can I say so? Well, because apple cider vinegar is insanely popular for yielding significant results.

This has been a trend for quite a years now, but are you aware that it has been used for centuries owing to its healing properties. This is incredibly effective in making you burn that extra fat which is clinging off your waist.
Are you aware that apple cider vinegar used to get consumed by roman soldiers for getting lean?

They used to mix honey with Apple Cider Vinegar for extra energy, lean body, and tremendous strength. How does it help? Well, this ingredient will help you break the protein which in other words mean that your body turns into a fat-burning machine.

By regulating the sugar level in your bloodstream, this ingredient ensures that you don’t crave for carbs and sugar. Never consume straight up as you will be torturing yourself. Instead, grab a teaspoon of it and dilute it in a water bottle. Adding a bit of honey is also recommended.

4-Drink More Water From Today

There is this wrong misconception that is drilled into our heads that water will make us feel bloated though it is the other way around. If you are not already aware then one of the causes of bloatedness is dehydration.

You need tons. . . tons of water so that the kidney could flush out all the toxins from your system. Warm water plays a key role overall in flushing away the toxins.

For improvement in your digestion, don’t forget to consume at least 3 liters of warm water every day.

5-Swap swap swap!

-If you truly want to burn belly fat fast then swap the deadly foods which are holding you back from achieving your weight loss goals.
-You need to get your Ice-cream replaced with soft cheeses or better get them replaced with Greek yogurt. Ice cream can be easily replaced with cottage cheese and rice milk.
-All you Fried foods must be swapped with steamed raw foods.
-Prefer cold turkey instead of doughnuts and pastries
-Love Chocolate and lollies? Ditch them! Opt for berries or dark chocolate.
-Swap soft drinks with soda/mineral water!
-Fond of fruit drinks or sweetened drinks? Time to stick with just ginger, lemon or mint juices!
-You must prefer organic meat instead of the processed ones.
-Love White bread? Time to befriend brown bread.
-Can’t live without snacking all day? Start taking the assistance of unsalted nuts to fulfill such cravings.
-Swap, stick of rock of 245 cals (65g sugar) for Candy floss of 101 cals (25g sugar). You are saving 144 cals & 40g sugar!

 6-Take Advantage Of Aloe Vera Juice 

You need sufficient vitamins and minerals in your body for proper weight loss process.If you are not fond of consuming then in a form of pill then you should try a cup of aloe vera juice as their replacement instead.

If you are not comfortable with aloe vera juice then the best approach is to consume 2 teaspoons of aloe vera 15 minutes before breakfast.

7-Eat Frequently and frequently doesn’t mean more!

Try eating for every 4 hours as this will make the whole eating and digesting process much easier. These two processes of eating and digesting can give you the ideal metabolic rate.

8-You Need A Green Tea!

Aim for consuming about 3 cups of green tea, as green tea contains caffeine which improves insulin sensitivity. This antioxidant can give you weight loss result in 2 weeks if consistent.

9-Befriend Red tea for effective weight loss

Red tea does wonder and it is one of the best ways of losing belly fat fast. But the problem with red tea is that its recipe is not easily available.

You will have to invest to get the ingredients. The recipe is backed by science thus it can surely help you lose weight quickly.

See what she has to tell you about red tea:

Howdy folks.
First of all, I know it is not easy at all to stay in shape once you reach a certain age.
As a working mom with three kids and a busy husband, it’s hard enough to make sure dinner
is on the table every night, let alone to find the time to work out and keep in shape.
Over the years, the weight had just crept up on me, and to be truthful, I hadn’t really noticed
and had been living in blissful ignorance of my slow weight gain. That all changed when a
cousin gave us a family photo from Christmas last year and I didn’t recognize myself sitting
there in the photo. Who was that huge woman sitting there with my family?
As sad as it was, it was the wake-up call I needed.
I decided right then I had to make a change, and started doing some research on the
easiest and most effective ways to lose my weight. When I stumbled upon Liz Swann
Miller’s Red Tea Detox, it seemed to be exactly what I wanted – easy to make, easy to drink,
and no expensive gym memberships or major change in diet required.
It all seemed too good to be true. Maybe it was? I must admit, I was pretty skeptical. There
seem to be a whole bunch of scammy products out there on the market. But there was
something about this that made me look twice.
And I’m so glad I did.
The weight started coming off immediately, and the tea tasted amazing too! Since starting 2
months ago, I’ve never looked back. I’m back to a size 10 for the first time in years, and I so much energy that I’ve actually created some time in my schedule to get a 30-minute
walk in every day. It feels incredible!
Thank you so much to Liz and her wonderful team that have been so helpful to me
throughout the whole process as well. I couldn’t be happier with the results.
– Diane Miller, Houston, Texas

10-Did you just ignore honey?

You can not ignore the importance of honey. This magic ingredient prevents obesity and boosts up your metabolism. Saturated with vitamins, minerals and amino acid, honey does wonder.

All you need to do is to drink honey with warm lemon water, first thing in the morning. . .

11-Fall In Love With Ginger Tea!

Incorporate ginger tea in your diet as ginger with no hole of doubt offers the best way to lose belly fat fast.

Ginger tea activates the metabolism and thus burns the belly fat fast/ For some significant results, you need to drink at least 3 cups of ginger tea daily.

12-Cracking Cinnamon Code

You might have heard before about the numerous benefits which cinnamon has to offer. This fat burning ingredient yields significant weight loss results if combined with honey. As you can easily manage your blood sugar level.

All you need to do is to mix about a half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a teaspoon of pure honey in a cup of water. Get preferably warm water. Consume half of it early in the morning and a half before hitting the bed.

13-You won’t like it but eat before a party!

Do you get out of control at parties? Can’t seem to resist the menu? Stop yourself from consuming high proportions of unhealthy food by feeding your body with something nutritious an hour before. You need to keep hunger at bay when you hit the party.

14-Consider hanging a mirror opposite your seat at your work/dining table

There has been a study which proves that eating in front of mirrors makes people consume less food by nearly one-third percent.

Your reflection is enough to remind you of your weight loss goals when mouth-watering food seems to threaten your stomach!

15-Snap your food

The other way to lose belly fat fast is by being mindful of eating. Bored of journaling? Don’t worry this guide is not recommending you that!

Instead, you have to keep a visual account and shoot your food. When you will look back at them, you are going to think twice before digging in!

16-Make use of this candle

If you are not aware yet then the scent of vanilla is known for reducing dessert craving. So light a vanilla-scented candle after completing your dinner.

17-Surround yourself with this color

There has been research conducted that a person eats 33% less in a blue room. Bluish shade reduces the appeal of food, thus results in less consumption. Whereas reddish and orangish shade encourages that!

18-Consume three fewer bites of your meal

Practice eating three bites less and gradually you will mindlessly develop this habit.

19-Consider sleeping in your gym attire!

Why? This will inspire you in the morning to hit the gym again!

20-Don’t wait for long and dig in

Consumption of eating the most important meal of the day should not be delayed. As later, due to the spiked up sugar levels, you will make poor food choices.

21-Give back to society and enjoy shedding pounds off

Hate exercising? Well, one of the best ways to lose belly fat is to indulge in movement. You don’t necessarily have to occupy yourself with high-intensity workouts for that.

You can choose to serve the community. Busy yourself in helping your neighbor, cleaning up garbage or serving edibles at a shelter, as this can keep you fairly active, in turn helping you shed some extra weight.

Final words:

Give yourself a target and lose weight accordingly. Like you can aim to lose 15 pounds in 2 week as detailed in this article.

Best of Luck! 


If you appreciate the effort then pin this fam!

Lose 10 pounds in 3 days Detox [Stupid-simple Step-by-step Tested Guide]

Lose 10 pounds in 3 days Detox [Stupid-simple Step-by-step Tested Guide]

Avail Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox Today.

Juicing has been there now for quite some time and it can make you lose weight. Magically?


The liquid diets have become fairly popular as they flush away toxins and unwanted waste that clings to your body like a moth to fire.

There are several reasons to try out three-week detox.

Want us to name a few?

Well, you have been eating all that junk and are tired of what it has done to you. Next, you want to fulfill what your body demands.

Gift your digestive system a bit of time as it is tired of processing your overeaten food. 

Detoxing is not only best for weight loss but it has an alarming anti-aging effect.

You are tired of finding out the ways of suppressing your cravings and in that case, juice cleanses provide an ideal solution. You want to try out the unused clothes. .

As they don’t fit you.

Navigation is all you want to do. You want to navigate all the physical and emotional toxins in your life.

Lastly, you want to find the true potential of veggies and fruits and see for yourself what they can do to you.   

If you think detoxing is not for you then I can recommend experts who exactly knows what it takes to dissolve that stubborn Ugly Fat .

I have been recommending Todd since ages! You probably have heard about his 21 day belly fix. A proven program that deserves your attention today.

Remember: Choosing to do nothing about your increasing weight has consequences. So, ignoring the problem doesn’t solve it.  

 What Most People Do is they verge on a weight loss journey without setting up any definite target . . . That is a huge mistake. You need to give yourself a challenge. So see what Todd has to say. 

Back to detoxing : This healthy three days detox shopping lists will do wonder to your health, so avail today.

Overview of Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox:

You must have come across several opinions which suggest a different duration of a juice cleanse. Some suggest it for days and some for weeks.

Then you will find other opinions on the type of detox people follow. Some prefer to just consume only water and juices for several weeks whereas others try to include food in their detox.

It is seen that generally on the third day of detox diet that people no longer crave for food. You should only choose a cleansing system if you have proper will power and diet.

You need to stay on the safe side thus honor your particular constitution. You can choose the recipes mentioned below make your detox diet plan or choose to follow the one detailed below.

To give you a general idea, for three days detox you will have to replace your breakfast and dinner with juices.

Other than this you have to snack about twice a day with juices. As far as lunch is considered you can consume a regular one.

A very general and common question can hit your head that is cleansing safe? Well, it is. Cleansing is a natural process where you are restoring your body mechanism.

Many juices practice fast throughout the world as they are wise enough to balance their bodies and souls. 


3 Day Juice Cleanse – Just Add Water & Enjoy – 21 Single Serving Powder Packets

About the product:

These are great if you need on the go cheap juice cleanses. All you need to do is add water and you are all set to lose weight. These 21 single-serving packs come with 4 flavors which are absolutely original and pure


This cheap juice cleanses is 100% vegan and natural thus this ensure your satisfaction. There is no sugar added as sugar itself is not fruitful in the weight loss process.

For achieving the bests results from this diet plan, the instructions are included which will act as a great guide for you to follow.


  • No fillers just natural ingredients
  • Easier to stick to a strict plan with such  easy guidelines
  • Suppress the unhealthy cravings
  • The simplicity of this cleanse and ease of functionality is transparent
  • Midday pineapple mango flavor is customers favorite one
  • Keeps your skin more healthy and hydrated.
  • The convenience of use as no blenders needed
  • An effective and quick way to start off a healthy eating program
  • Cheap juice cleanses or juice cleanse on a budget


  • Supresses your appetite to a limited extent so you need to exercise self-control

Let’s dig in the Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox juicing program:

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 days consider starting your day with a glass of Lemon-aid and end it with a glass of Hawaiian Elixir (even a cup of herbal tea will do).

Try to drink as much water as your body allows between your meals.

You need to have regular lunch but make sure that it complies with the above-mentioned rules of this 3-day detox program.

There can be any reason that you don’t have an exact ingredient around and in that case, change the drink or replace it with any superfood mentioned below.

Keep in mind that your only snacks are juices which you need to consume during the meals.


Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox – Spring:

Day 1:

Breakfast: Apple Tart
Recipe: You will love the juice as it is a mesh of grapefruit’s taste and the exotic heat of ginger.

Ingredients: 1 apple,½ cucumber,3 celery ribs,½ grapefruit( peeled),½-inch piece ginger( peeled)

Just dump all these requirements in the juicer and serve. You need to use peeled grapefruit as it has a bitter taste, like really bitter.

But usually, with citrus fruit one let the skin on as it offers power-packed nutrients.

Snack: Simply Green

Recipe: You should always prefer it over the cereal bars, even after detoxification. Only a glass of it is enough to alkalize your body.

Are you ready to fill up your body with oxygen and providing your cells with vital nutrients?

No sweetness allowed as this drink is purposefully low in calories and sugar. Why? This drink will keep you hydrated if you drink it throughout the day.

Ingredients: ½ cucumber, 3 celery ribs, 2 cups spinach and 1/2–1 lime or lemon

Process in a juicer and consume.

Snack: Green Up:

Recipe: Drill in your mind that broccoli will not offer that bitter flavor once it will be added with other ingredients which will compensate its effects.

Consider making a glass of this sulfur-rich veggie which detoxifies your liver fully. And yes, you can add stem and leaves. . . the whole of broccoli.

You won’t realize what a small piece of ginger will do. Several people around the globe chew a piece of it before every meal for quickest digestion.

Ingredients: 1 cup broccoli,1 Granny Smith apple,1 cup pineapple,2 cups spinach,½-inch piece ginger (peeled). Process all the items in juicer and drink.

Dinner: Save the Veggies
Recipe: You will fall in love with the touch of berries and pineapple in this drink.

Ingredients: 1 cup berries,1 tomato,1–2 cups spinach and ½–1 cup pineapple water
Toss the first three ingredients into the juicer and mix the pineapple water at last.

Day 2:

Breakfast: Apple Tart

Snack: Cheers to Watercress

Recipe:You want your stomach to warm up? Well, peppery taste of watercress will do the drill. If sweetness is your only resort then you may find this drink edgy.

You might already know that watercress cleanses your blood and detoxifies your liver. Don’t shy away from doing yourself a big favor.

Ingredients:½ cup watercress,½ cup cucumber,½ cup carrot,¼ lime( peeled)

Juice them all.

Snack: Simply Green

Dinner: Save the Veggies

Day 3

Breakfast: Apple Tart

Snack: Green Up

Snack: Cheers to Watercress

Dinner: Save the Veggies

Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox – Summer:

Day 1

Breakfast: Strawberry Muse

Recipe: Fond of basil? You will love this then. Basil possess those antibacterial
Properties which are vital for your system. This aromatic juice will not fail to lure your senses of taste, sight, and smell.

Ingredients: ½ cucumber, 1 cup strawberries,1 beet,1 cup basil,1 teaspoon coconut oil (optional)

Juice the first four items and in the end, stir coconut oil to the juice,

Snack: Simply Green

Snack: I Love Radishes

Recipe: If you have not utilized the benefits of radish yet, then now is the time. You need to feed your liver with vital enzymes through these pungent radishes. Use any kind of radish available.

If zucchini is hard to find then replace it with cucumber, and likewise pear with apple and orange with lemon. (if fruits unavailable)

Ingredients: 1 cup zucchin,1 apple,1 small radish,1 cup broccoli, squeeze ½ lemon.
Toss the first four ingredients in the juicer and mix the lemon juice in the end

Dinner: Happy Belly

Recipe:This drink serves great for improved digestion. Watermelon contains high lycopene content which will heal your heart and aid weight loss.

Ingredients : ½ fennel bulb,1 cup of watermelon (cubed & seeded), 1 cup zucchini, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup parsley, ½ lemon
Juice it all

Day 2

Breakfast: Strawberry Muse

Snack: Forever Young

Recipe: Many are fond of strong flavor which cilantro offers. This juice is packed with minerals which are sufficient enough to quench your thirst. They own a balance in the sweetness of carrots and acidity of lemon.

Ingredients: ½ cucumber, 1 large carrot, 1 cup cilantro, Juice of ½ lemon
Juice out everything except lemon juice as you have to stir it in the end.

Snack: Simply Green

Dinner: Happy Belly

Day 3

Breakfast: Strawberry Muse

Snack: I Love Radishes

Snack: Forever Young

Dinner: Happy Belly

Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox -Fall:

Day 1

Breakfast: Grape Expectations
Recipe: You might have come across with the trend where people were only consuming grape for several days as part of their diet. While some were practicing fasting but just consuming grape juice for exceptional digestion.

Ingredients: 2 cups green grapes,1 cup parsley, 1 lemon,1 avocado

You need to toss grapes, parsley, and lemon into a juicer and then later blend this juice with Avacado. A bit of work. But the amazing taste.

Snack: Green Is In
Recipe: This drink contains mostly everything which your body needs. If you are not yet aware that how green apples help then it stabilizes your blood sugar levels thus you experience fewer cravings. For improvement in your mood and energy levels, incorporate this drink in the detox.

Ingredients: ½ cucumber, ½ Green apple, 2 celery ribs, ½–1 heart of romaine, 1–2 cups spinach, chard, or kale.

Snack: Simply Green

Dinner: Cabbage Pear Kids
Recipe: Consider the usage of cabbage juice as it offers great cleansing. The veggies benefit the stomach by making it feel lighter, If you are not aware yet then Chinese make use of cabbages to cure constipation. This drink is also beneficial for boosting your collagen.

Ingredients: 2 cups cabbage, 2 ripe pears, ½ cucumber, ½-inch piece ginger, peeled
½ lime (peeled)

Day 2

Breakfast: Grape Expectations

Snack: Serious Business
Recipe:This drink calls for leafy green ingredients. Mustard will heal you from in and out. These detoxifying agents will kick-start your weight loss process. Plus, get ready to lower your cholesterol.

Ingredients: ½ cucumber, ½ cup broccoli, ½ green apple, 2 celery ribs, ½ cup spinach, 1 cup escarole, and a mustard green leaf.

Snack: Green Is In

Dinner: Cabbage Pear Kids

Day 3
Breakfast: Grape Expectations

Snack: Simply Green

Snack: Serious Business

Dinner: Cabbage Pear Kids

Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox -Winter:

Day 1

Breakfast: God Save the Juice
Recipe:You must be already aware of the benefits of regular tea but this tea offers just more in terms of detoxifying as it is power-packed with many health benefits which are craving to be availed.

You must be already aware of the wonders which green tea offers. Get ready to circulate your system and boost your metabolism.

Ingredients: 1 cup green tea, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup kale, ½ banana

Snack: Scarborough Fair
Recipe: If you want to soothe your body as well as your soul then feed this sweet drink to yourself.
Ingredients: ½ cucumber, the ½ heart of romaine, 1 green apple, 1 cup parsley,2 sprigs sage
2 sprigs rosemary, 2 sprigs thyme.

Snack: Simply Green

Dinner: Naturally Bright
Recipe: Are you aware that carrots and grapefruits are such nutritional powerhouses? It really won’t hurt to consume this vibrant drink!

Confused about how to choose the best grapefruit? Choose the heaviest one as it will be the juiciest. Low-calorie grapefruit is best known for boosting you with vitamin C.

Ingredients: 2 carrots,½ grapefruit (peeled), ½ cucumber
2 cups escarole (or any other kind of lettuce)

Day 2

Breakfast: God Save the Juice

Snack: Broccoli Genie
Recipe: Let’s us reveal how to decide whether the juice is good for you or not! If it’s green then be certain it surely is!

You need to pick the green juices which arise excitement within you! Like this one. Consider enjoying this drink for eliminating unwanted contaminants from your body.

Ingredients:1 cup broccoli (f use the stalks and leaves too), ½ cucumber, 4 celery ribs, 1 ripe pear
½–1 lemon

Snack: Scarborough Fair

Dinner: Naturally Bright

Day 3

Breakfast: God Save the Juice

Snack: Simply Green

Snack: Broccoli Genie

Dinner: Naturally Bright

Here’s How He Saved His Wife’s Life With a . . .

5-Second “Hack” That  KILLS Food Cravings

and MELTS 62lbs of Raw Fat

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 Side Effects Of Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox

Backend work of juicing, well when you are going through cleansing, you are releasing and flushing away all sorts of toxins stored in your bladder, lungs, liver, colon, sinuses, skin, kidneys, and fatty tissue.

You have no idea how many toxins you have accumulated in years.

That lousy diet coupled with a sloppy lifestyle has done you more damage than you think apart from disfiguring your whole body shape.

That bloating and acne which are adding up to that unpleasant feeling can be dealt with proper juicing diet.

You will feel a lot lighter, just be patient. All the stored waste, through detoxing, will get released back into your bloodstream and then make a final exit from your body.

There are few things which you need to address before gearing yourself up for the juicing diet plan.

Answer whether you have eating disorders, chronic health concern, pregnancy period. All these conditions must be evaluated and consulted with a physician.

There are some helpful tips which will boost help you lose 10 pounds in 3 days. First of all, you should just avoid a tough ride.

By that, we mean start slow. This is especially for the ones who consume a very unhealthy diet.

You need to dose your body with the shots of juices of which it has a strength to possess.

Like if you directly jump on tripling the dose of some strong juices like Beet-er Dandelion on the very first day of your cleansing journey then . . . expect the disaster.

Stick to the plan which is aimed to start slow. This factor is important to consider if you will be formulating your cleansing routine.

Next, you need to pay attention to your skin. Yes, you read it right. Make sure to dry scrub your skin in the morning. Why? Well, it is one of the largest body organs and you want to make sure that everyday toxins get released through pores.

Dry scrub is essential as it provides a pathway because if pores are blocked then toxins will get reabsorbed, flowing back into your bloodstream.

Let cleansing make your skin look good while simultaneously losing the extra fats clinging in the form of toxins.


You need to shake yourself and move. If you will move then your stored toxins will also move and channel out of your body in the form of sweat.

We brush our teeth every day but do we clean our tongue the way it should be cleaned?

Well, if you are not aware then our body detoxifies mostly during sleep, thus that white coating on the tongue appear which is a fresh layer of toxins released by the body during the night.

Not cleaning it means swallowing it back. You have no idea how these small toxins pile up every day and make the gift you those extra inches on your waist.

You should also sleep early as you want to give your body enough time to flush away toxins at night.

Get a massage

If you have underestimated the importance of massages the now is the time to give them that. Specially when you are trying this Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox.

Well, if you will move your tissues through the gentle pressure then you will be also moving away from the toxins. Every game has rules and thus this game-changer diet also has few.

If you own the perception that rules are made to be broken then don’t please trash it during the cleansing process!

You may stick to it later Follow certain diet recommendations for significant results. By following them you will ensure that you are giving your body all that it deserves.

You need to consume only whole grains ( except wheat and refined ones)

Preferably turn to the fresh veggie and fruits (try to get organic ones).
Consumption of raw nuts and seeds will boost your energy levels. Make sure to soak them
overnight and peel them. Why? Well, this process makes them easily digestible. (exceptions: cashews and peanuts)

Try taking legumes as they have high fiber concentration and they are a great source of energy and nutrients. Sprouted ones are beneficial as they aid with bloating.

There is an alternate approach If you can’t find them sprouted, just soak them overnight prior cooking.

Prefer the consumption of fermented foods as they preserve nutrients while making the foods more digestible. These are saturated with bacteria that strengthen the immune system.


Replace table salt with Himalayan or Peruvian pink salts as these salts are pure and offer great nutritious value. In general, never overdo the salt.

Favor the consideration of essential oils

You must have heard the benefits of organic cold-pressed olive oil? Have you?

To know what wonders it can achieve, you better read this. Next turn to flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil.

You need to forget margarine along with corn, canola and other vegetable oils. as it is high time.

Befriend Herbal teas

Teas are your companions that will always support you in your weight loss journey.

Consider their high consumption as they in suppressing appetite mainly because they have caffeine within. The best part is that they improve digestion,

Drink loads and loads of water

You need to realize and signal your brain from time to time for high consumption of water, especially during the cleansing process.

Visualize what is happening at the backend. The juices are realizing the toxins to your bloodstream now to flush them off and make them exit your body you need plain water.

Try to go organic:

Plants + chemicals = less nutrition + toxins. But the problem is that they are expensive! Well, you will find a cheap way out if your look for seasonal produce.

You might not know that organic seasonal produce also tends to be on sale. You can find seasonal produce charts all over the Internet. Go easy on your pocket by buying local.


You know the few obvious ones which are not worth mentioning because a serious participant of any weight loss diet will compromise on unhealthy habits beforehand.

Just as a reminder, there are few things which will ruin your whole cleansing journey thus giving you no results.

Remember that through detoxing and the three-day detoxing process you are trying to enhance your whole cleansing system thus intrusion of Alcohol, in that case, a complete no-no!

Don’t consume soy

It is not easily digested, one has to eat it in the fermented forms. Only consume Gluten-free foods (wheat) as it will only make you bloat.

No sugar

If you are thinking about sugar then we are not on the same page! You have to ditch this edible completely. Don’t worry about the drop in the sugar levels in your bloodstream as the fruits will compensate for it rightfully.

Stay away from proteins (Meat and dairy)

Are you questioning why is that?

Well, the answer is simple your meat is not easily digestible which means by its consumption the purpose of giving the relaxation to the digestive system will die out.

As far as dairy products are concerned then several people are lactose intolerant thus these products just creates mucus and inflame the body. No canned products at all! Fresh grocery and homemade cleansing juices.

Bitter is better

Start loving bitter stuff sweet edibles are not sweet as they show up on your hip! Consider the consumption of Bitter foods like watercress, radishes, arugula, and dandelion.

Why? Well, they make the best detoxifying agents. These edibles not only stimulate the liver, improve kidney function but also regulate blood sugar.

If you want to altogether improve nutrient assimilation in your body then include these in your diet. (especially during the detoxifying period).

Boosting 3 days detox With Superfoods

Many times, you may have come across with strange-sounding foods. Well, these are mostly the superfoods which are possess high concentration of certain nutrients.

You can boost your overall health during their consumption in positive ways. You will find these superfoods in several of the juices included in the 3-day detox program so that you could see it for yourself.


Here’s a list of superfoods which you should consume more frequently:

Heard about Chia seeds?

Well, they absorb many times their weight in water and during this process they release a gel which binds all toxins and flushes them out of your body.

They possess a neutral flavor. By adding these to your juices, you will be changing the texture of them. These are great appetite suppressant .

All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of chia seeds in your and stir. Next, wait for about five or ten minutes so that they get soaked and plumped fully.

Chlorella- Lose 10 pounds in 3 days detox

You must have learned in your third grade or so about chlorophyll which is present in leaves. If you want to avail its health benefits then you need to consume chlorella which is a green algae.

Chlorella contains about 40 times more chlorophyll in chlorella than wheatgrass),. Plus these green algae constitute a high percentage of vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements.
You will find it find this sea veggie strong in taste but who cares if it greatly detoxifies the body from pollutants along with the heavy metals. Get purified blood and body tissues with its consumption.

Cayenne pepper is also very helpful

Just a small amount of it will do the trick, you need to put it into juice or water.

If you are not aware of what it will do then to be precise it will eliminate the plaque from arteries, rebuild yours, flush out bad body cholesterol, and remove waste.

Who is not aware of what aloe vera can do!

This power-packed ingredient can achieve wonders. The best part is that it doesn’t offer any taste thus you can easily blend it in any juice.

This ingredient possesses the power of neutralizing your body toxins. Cleanse the colon today and, stimulate cellular regeneration. All you need to do is, to cut a two-inch piece and soak overnight in water.

In the morning, just separate the gel and green skin (a knife will easily do) This gel is all set to grace your blender.

Into weight loss and haven’t heard of Coconut oil?

Quite impossible! Well, this ingredient owns antifungal and antibacterial properties thus you will feel instant energy. Include this in your juices to lower your bad cholesterol and normalize the thyroid function.

You will appreciate the use of flaxseed in your diet

Well, they can be used in any form whether whole or ground.

But both interestingly serve different purposes! As far as using the whole flaxseed is concerned it will do the work of flushing out the toxins and moving bowels.

Whereas, if you will be making use of grind one, then your body will absorb omega-3 oils from it which is a great antioxidant. Thus you can use any form (grind form is easier)

Consider the use of Hemp (seeds or powder)

They are saturated with essential fatty acids. Heard about the Wheatgrass right? This ingredient is power-packed with chlorophyll, protein, and vitamin E.

Just a shot of it will do it all! What? Detoxification! If you have a wheatgrass juicer then juice it and then add it to your drink. Having one shot of this juice is one of the most detoxifying and health-enhancing things you can do, and it’s said to add a day to your life.

If you put a bit of time and effort, you can juice wheatgrass at home and add it to your juices (you will need a wheatgrass juicer). Otherwise, go to your favorite juice bar and get a fresh wheatgrass shot whenever you can.

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Ridiculously-Easy Home Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat [Without Exercise]

Ridiculously-Easy Home Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat [Without Exercise]

One of the best home remedies to reduce belly fat without exercise

Want us to reveal one of the best home remedies to reduce belly fat without exercise? It is a diet but the easiest one.

You must have heard of keto, paleo and all other sorts of diets, but have you actually heard of Shangri La diet?

This diet works truly like a miracle and there are no hard and fast rules in it. Many a time, people who are actually digging into new diets tend to leave it in the middle because they can’t keep up with the consistent schedule.

Bear in mind that this diet is ideal for you if you face consistency issues. It is a painless, cheap solution for your belly fat and overall fat which is glued to your body like a leach.

Soon after following this diet you will notice a change in your eating behaviors as this affects your appetite directly, helping you deal with your late night cravings.

Gone are those days when you used to possess those irresistible cravings and uncontrollable night eating. 

 Side Note: You will see results with this plan but it will take time. Need a quick solution: The fastest way to lose weight at home is to commit. You need to be up for a challenge. This commitment must not be for a day or a week but at least 21 days. You may have already heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit and that is what you should ideally aim for.

After 21 days, you will realize that your lifestyle and eating habits have changed drastically. After that time duration, you will start losing weight even without trying!

If you are unsure how to start this challenge on your own. And need diet + exercising help. Then I will highly recommend to at least check out what Todd has to say.

Stick with him for 21 days and weight loss is guaranteed.

Back To this plan, Let’s dig in:

 Home remedies to reduce belly fat without exercise

Are you tired of hearing from doctors that count your calories, cut this and cut that? Well, the unwanted fat will not come off that easily. But don’t worry as this one of the top home remedies to reduce belly fat without exercise has been revealed in this article.

We all know that we should consume less amount of fat like butter, cream, fries, and a carb like pasta and bread. But there is more to it then just do’s and don’ts.

Some times, you just don’t have to cut out stuff from your diet, sometimes you need to add for multiplying the effectiveness. There are a few foods which you need to add while not giving up on anything.

You must keep in mind that diets are not only designed so that you lose weight but they are also formulated so you feel better about yourself. If you are looking for overnight solutions to lose belly fat then this will help.

You need to opt for a way that will not make you hungry as if you lose weight while still craving then this will yield you nowhere. In no time, you will regain the lost weight if you will not find a diet which doesn’t deal with your increasing hunger pangs.

Don’t worry and congratulations as Shangri La diet has found the way for it.

Expectation after starting one of the best home remedies to reduce belly fat without exercise?
Well, you will find yourself less hungry.

Your brain won’t signal you to consume more food. Snacking will be a thing of the past. Your late night eating will be eliminated. You will notice that while consuming food you will feel fuller faster. you will reach the stopping point faster thus will eat less.  

Where to start from?

You just have to pay attention to your set point as everything depends on it. Some foods will have high set points and they will be the foods which you consume in high amounts, while there are other foods which have low set up points (those foods consumed infrequently.)

How to determine the set points of things?

Well, if you consume less raw vegetables then it will have a value of 4. Similarly, if the frequency of junk is more in your food then expect it is set point to be 10. You know how average or mean formula works right?

For instance, in your old diet if you consume foods with only higher set points like junk then your overall average will be high but if you add low set point meals in your diet then this will overall reduce the average making you lose weight.

On your old diet, you ate foods that were 10, 10, 10, 10, 10; the average value of your diet is 10.
On your new diet, you added some lower-valued foods: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, plus 4, 4. Now the average value of your diet is less than 10, so your set point will drop.

What if you find the foods which have lesser set points then raw foods? Well, that simply means that you will have to drop the average even further and lose more weight. Simple math right? But what are those low set point foods? This article will cover food where Shangri-La diet label then as to have 0 set point.

The Magic Ingredient?

The top secret of one of the best home remedies to reduce belly fat without exercise is . . .
The Extra-light olive oil! Well, this Extra-light olive oil is flavorless. If you are used to of consuming the one which had the flavor then this one is certainly not that.

You need to swallow really less amount of this extra-light olive oil as it will lower your set point drastically. You will note that low calories foods are mostly flavorless.

Ever realized that why patients in the hospitals receive flavorless bland food? Well, because they only consist of flavorless food with no calories but only nutrition. You must have noticed that the patients tend to look thin, which is not actually a weakness but the result of losing weight due to the low calorie food consumed.

You need to go bland. At first, the bland food will seem unbearable to swallow down but within a week you will develop the taste of flavorless food like consumption of brown rice instead of white. Expect to lose 10 pounds in just a matter of weeks with this theory. Enjoy unappetizing food and voila you are all set to turn from fit to fat!   

Flexibility of this home remedy :

You will notice that this diet is extremely flexible where there are no forbidden foods, no recipes, no restricted foods, no meal plans, no calorie counting, and, above all, no deprivation.
You don’t have to subtract anything just add! The framework is designed for you, just follow.

Are you like, “ No reduction in this diet, how is that even possible?” Well, it is certainly possible. Just follow the four rule and you are good to go.

Rule 1: Take only between 200 to 500 calories of flavorless edible oil each day

How many tablespoons does that make? Well, you will have to consume only from 2 to 4 tablespoon daily as there are approx 120 calories in each tablespoon.

If a question is popping into your head that as to how much should consume if you are just starting out? Well, it all boils down to your current weight.

You can adjust the amount between 2-4 tablespoons as per the progress. If you want faster results then stick with 4 tablespoons. Consider a healthy rate and don’t double the intake as after all you need safe and healthy weight loss.  

Rule 2. Take the oil at least an hour away from food and any flavors

You need to be precise about the timings. For instance, if you usually have your lunch from 1:30 to 2:30 then you have to consume the oil an hour before 1:30 or the hour after 2:30. During this
Flavor free food consumption, you will not be using any tea, coffee or even toothpaste!

(as it has a flavor!!!)

Time doesn’t really matter at all.


Well, because the oil acts as an appetite suppressant for the long term. You may find yourself consuming all the tablespoons all at once but most people mainly prefer to consume a tablespoon before breakfast, another before lunch, and another before dinner.

If you will not follow the guidelines and won’t give the oil a margin of an hour before any food or after any food then a flavor will get associated with it. Instead of working in your favor this plan can backfire and you can surely expect an add on calories.

If a question is popping into your head whether consumption before the meal is better or after then it is noticed that result tend to be better one hour after a meal. You have to keep in mind that after taking the oil wait an hour before eating something and water doesn’t count.

Rule 3. If the oil upsets your stomach, start small and work up

The third rule is to start small. If you feel like your stomach gets upset then start slow. You need to realize that enzymes help in digesting any food, but oil takes longer time to digest. Many a time, the oil will just be sitting there in the stomach, undigested.

But this problem will go away within a week, you may even don’t realize that this problem even exists. But if you feel uncomfortable then start with smaller amounts like start with a teaspoon each day and then gradually increase the consumption to 4 tablespoons once you realize that your stomach has gotten used to it.

Try a teaspoon on Monday, 2 teaspoons on Tuesday, 3 teaspoons on Wednesday, 4 teaspoons on Thursday, and so on, until your stomach is happy!.

Rule 4. Keep a check on your dosage

You will start noticing a significant difference but there is a very low probability that you don’t notice a great change after one month, in that case, you need to increase your daily dose of the oil by 1 tablespoon. But keep in mind that the consumption must still be limited to 4 tablespoons a day.

Now the next question which can get triggered in your brain cell is,
“ What about the rest of what you eat?”
Well, for that there is only a simple answer: Addition of the oil is the only difference that you will notice.

Don’t be conscious of eating less or become watchmen employed to account the consumed food. You don’t need to make a deliberate effort instead make your life easier with this Shangri-La diet.

Are you questioning what sorts of oil will work just fine?

Well, for long term weight loss you need to take the help of oil which is flavorless. The recommended one is extra light olive oil.

You can easily get confused and consider the purchase of extra virgin olive oil which should be avoided as this has a greenish color and owns a taste. The strong flavor will not help in eliminating appetite where the unflavored ELOO has the weight loss effect.


Here’s How He Saved His Wife’s Life With a . . . 

5-Second “Hack” That  KILLS Food Cravings & MELTS 62lbs of Raw Fat

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Hey Girl what’s the Prefered Oil?

Even flaxseed oil, refined walnut oil will make a good difference. Flaxseed contains high omega-3 content and refined walnut oil is flavorless. If you find flavor in the oil then the best solution is to eliminate the flavor by clipping the nose. You don’t only have to consider the inclusion of omega-3 content but also the unpleasant side effects.

Everybody will react differently upon the consumption of these oils. But there is a fact that there are few oils which will cause less trouble. In that case, oils with higher Omega-3.

On the positive side effects like you will find your skin turning better and hair softer. Another positive side effect is that you will find yourself having fewer menstrual headaches and, reduction of arthritis

Key to select the right type of oil?

There are primarily two things which you need to drill in your head when choosing the oil like the more Omega 3 the better and more the omega 5 the bad. There is not much substantial proof of this but there are indications which prove this otherwise.

Like to name a few, corn, soy, safflower, and sunflower tops the list of dangerous oil with more omega6 content.
The oil with omega 6 saturation is often reported to give a double chance of cancer.

Guideline for how to drink oil?

Are you wondering whether there are many ways to make this oil easier to drink? Well, surely there is. You will find it helpful to add oil in water with a bit of sugar. This will turn the oil into sweet water.

But most probably you will find Eloo so easy to drink that you won’t bother to utilize this tip. But this method surely helps if you will be using flaxseed oil as the tip will act as a flavor reduction. Expect to notice the difference within a few days but wait up to a week before
Get ready to think less about food and start making better food choices.

Any potential Problems?

There are general questions which need to be addressed like what about for the people who have gallstones or who have had their gallbladder removed?

Well, in that case, it is advisable to avoid fatty foods and remain cautious with the oil. You don’t have to consume a whole tablespoon all at once but rather take small sips.

You may experience Headache as you will not feel like consuming more sugar or caffeine than you usually do in your meals and snacks. This is absolutely normal, just give your body a weeks time to get adjusted with the changes.

During this whole diet plan, you will feel like a bland mouth devoid of flavor. In that case, chewing gum will help!

Will I have to drink oil for the rest of my life?

Many people have this question burning in their head and the answer is yes. You can surely reduce the dosage but stopping the consumption entirely can make you gain weight again.

You will yourself won’t want to leave oil as it gives better skin and better sleep. Oil just acts like a vitamin supplement which promises to help you for your entire life.


How long should I wait before deciding that it’s not working?

You need to give your body some space to adapt to the changes like at least a months time. Are you like what If I Had Two Hundred Pounds to Lose?

This will still work if you keep in mind that phenomena of flavored food in mind and replace them with unflavored ones while sticking to the consumption of oil as guided above.


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