This Super Simple Morning Habit
"Accidentally" Melted 84 LBS Of Fat

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Are you willing to lose 5 pounds by next week? You will have to work hard . . . A bit harder than you think. There will be fluctuations in your eating patterns and you will have to maintain it for quite a while.

If you are absolutely confident that you will not follow unhealthy practices after these steps mentioned below only then try your way out. 

If we go by simple phenomena of losing weight then we will soon realize that it is just the game of losing more calories than ingesting.

Anyone who is struggling to lose weight knows this fact already But the problem remains how to achieve this safely. You will find several experts advising you to go slow and boost your exercise routine time for steady reductions.  

Many people quit this because they are not in favor of such glacial progress.

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1- Tested way of manipulating water intake to Lose 5kg in a week guaranteed

Work on this strategy religiously and you will notice a significant difference. You need to manipulate your water and sodium level as they control your weight more than you think.

This method will help you to drop your weight insanely fast but if done right. 

Let’s start the plan from Sunday. On the first day, you need to consume two gallons of water, on the second and third day one gallon, on the fourth day half gallons, on the fifth day quarter gallons and no water at all on the last day until 5 p.m.

You are really smart to notice that water consumption decreases with time. Why such a pattern? Well, you need your body to activate a flushing mode.

You need to drink hi gallons of water in the early days of this plan biggest you need to deactivate a hormone that conserves sodium along with secrete potassium.

The bathroom will become your second home in the last days of this plan even when you will not be consuming any water at all. Do you realize what will happen when you will excrete more fluid than you actually consume? Guessed it right! Fast weight loss.

What is allowed and what is not?

We have talked about the consumption of water but what about solid food? You need to consume more than 50 grams of carbs each day.

What is logic? Well, a single gram of carb will drag 2.7 grams of water in your body and that is why you need to control carbs. If you want to keep your body in a flush mode then these calculations are very important.

During this diet plan maintain a great distance from fruit, starches, salt, and sugars. These carbs are not healthy and that is why must be avoided completely.

Consume only those foods which contain a higher percentage of protein and fats during this period. As there are evidences that the addition of at least ∼25–30 g protein/meal provide improvements in not only appetite but also body weight. Love vegetarian sources like spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli. Don’t forget to stuff yourself with eggs and meat.

Natural Diuretic

Consider adding Dandelion root into your diet for losing water weight. Don’t try to add this in the initial days of this diet and instead prefer the last few days. 

Hot Baths

Value your sweat and befriend hot and humid environment in your weight loss journey. Consider taking hot baths and even submerge your nose. Sitting in the sauna will also help for shedding the extra ugly pounds in this process. 

How will be your experience on this journey? 

You will have to carry a jug of water everywhere you go. You will really miss the taste of salt as you will be consuming bland food.

After the first few days, expect to hit a bathroom 15 times. In the last days, you will feel your mouth drying out but espresso will help you. You may fall in love with hot water baths but not towards the ending of this plan, as you will be craving for water but you are only allowed a few sips. 

Recapping the plan to lose 5kg in a week guaranteed

Strict water consumption in gallons, no salt, sugar or starch, 3 meals of proteins, up to 5 grams of carbs and visiting saunas in afternoons or consuming dandelion root(optional).  End result? Significant weight loss! 

2- Other Tested way to Lose 5kg in a week guaranteed

 If you want to reduce your weight significantly then according to the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in sports it is quite possible in 4 days. But trust me those four days will be cruel.  Want to know how it works? 

This research was carried out in Sweden and Spain over 15 healthy but overweight Swedish men. These people restricted their calories to 360 per day to reduce their intake to 1800 calories. Each and every calorie was consumed in the form of liquid. You can take high protein drinks or sugary carbohydrates like these men did.

Start your day with 45 minutes upper body workout and then stroll for 8 hours with only 10 minutes break in each hour like them. It is easier than you think. But make sure two only consume low-calorie sports type beverage during these hours.

You will not feel hungry and dropped the weight at the same time. If you are wondering that what type of weight is lost then basically most of it is body fat. In 4 days every man lost 11 pounds. Don’t worry about the muscle mass as protein drinks ensure not losing it.

After the experiment, these men were closely studied and none of them regain the weight but continued to lose weight. If you are a woman then try a lighter version of this plan for noticing a difference.

3- Prefer Keto diet plan to lose 5kg in a week:

I highly doubt if you have not heard about the keto diet yet, as it has been fairly a popular doubt since quite a few years. 

There are a lot of celebrities who have advocated this diet plan after strictly following it. Kourtney Kardashian has experimented with several diet plans but her preference has always boiled down to keto. This is what she has to say about keto. 

“My body never looked better than when I did the keto diet two and half years ago when I did it for two months,” Kardashian wrote in a post on her lifestyle blog. 

According to her the best way to train your body is to stick to keto as it not only curbs sugar craving or burns fat but it also acts as a catalyst and kickstarts the weight loss process. 

There are also several evidences which proves that keto diet achieves more significant weight loss results comparitively to low fat diet. Individuals were tested for a specific time period and results were concluded in this research. 

 So what is keto, exactly?

To calm the burning questions in your mind, let’s dig into what ketogenic diet is. This diet restricts sugar and carb consumption and stresses on the use of protein along with high-fat foods.

By practicing this diet you will be sending your body to ketosis where your body will burn fat for energy instead of carbs and that is why you have to avoid all processed grains else you will never kickstart your quick weight loss journey. Wondering how Kourtney Kardashian practice is this diet? 

When she drinks an avocado smoothie in the morning for breakfast which contains stevia to sweeten the smoothie. Never use honey. For lunch, she consumes salad with Turkey and egg whites. While for dinner she prefers chicken or Salmon. 

This was a very rough outline of keto and how it has become an ideal diet. If you are serious about sailing on a keto diet then do it the right way explained here.

4- Cabbage Soup diet plan to lose 5kg in a week:

You can even try the cabbage soup diet you are fond of cabbages. As the name suggests you have to consume cabbage soup several times a day.Though other foods can be eaten on some particular days.

How to Make Cabbage Soup?

 To protect you from the  fatigue of browsing through the internet, this article has covered a helpful cabbage soup recipe, 

Start with drizzling 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan. Make sure that the pan is over a medium flame.

Next toss onions, bell pepper and celery into it, cooking it until translucent. then add minced garlic followed by a vegetable broth after a minute.

Time to throw cabbage and carrots into the pan along with with some diced tomatoes and its juice. Time for your seasonings. Stir everything together and let things cook for 20 minutes. Bon Appetite. 

What are things to Avoid in Cabbage Soup Diet Plan?

Keep in mind that you have to at every cost organic products like grapes, banana, mango and other fruits in this diet. No grains, fats, cashew nuts, sodas, sauces or vegetable oil. 

Why this diet?

We haven’t discussed as to why this cabbage diet works! Well, cabbage soup provides you all the supplements vital for losing weight. Additionally, it is a low-calorie diet which can be consumed numerous times a day without accumulating unhealthy weight. Indeed the best way to suppress craving. 

You should start your day with warm lemon water for flushing out toxins during this diet. 

5- How to lose 5kgs with the Sacred Heart Diet : 

If you cannot endure the taste of cabbage then you have other options and that option is the Sacred Heart diet. In this you will have to swap cabbage for any other vegetable and rest is the same. 

6- How to lose 5kg in a week without exercise: Grapefruit Diet 

Opt for a grapefruit diet which requires you to eat grapefruit along without every meal or drink grape juice instead. This diet also promises quick weight loss. 

7- The M-diet plan to lose 5kg in a week

Fond of mushrooms? You have to replace any meal of your day with any mushroom dish. Ideally, you have to swap meat with mushrooms for cutting on daily caloric intake. There is no restriction on other foods,  

8- How to lose 5kg in 3 days diet plan with Potato?

Yeah, you read it right, there is something like potato diet but it also includes a low-fat yogurt. 

By consuming potatoes you will actually keep yourself fuller, adding up fewer calories for the day. Only cooked potatoes are allowed with low-fat yogurt to drink. 

DAY 1:

  •        A Boiled potato breakfast + glass of yogurt. 
  •        2 Boiled potato lunch + glass of yogurt 
  •        2 glasses of yogurt for dinner 

DAY 2:

  •        2 glasses of yogurt for breakfast 
  •        2 Boiled potato lunch + glass of yogurt
  •        No dinner 

DAY 3:

  •        A Boiled potato breakfast 
  •        A Boiled potato lunch + glass of yogurt 
  •        A glasses of yogurt for dinner 

This diet is for 3 days so don’t extend it by yourself. 

Why this will work? Each potato has about 292 calories and 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt per glass has 143 calories. Doing the math you will be consuming. 1448 calories the first day of this diet, 870 cal the second and third day. 

9- Lose the last 5kg meal plan: A vegetarian diet 

Stay away from animals for a long time. Most important about any diet plan is to follow it is religiously. There are several pieces of research which prove that if you will be going for a vegetarian diet then they will reduce a significant amount of weight compared to non-vegetarian ones. 

10- Eat five cups of veggies every day to lose 5kg

Have you ever question yourself that why a lot of doctors prefer high consumption of vegetables? Because they are extremely low in calories.

They can easily fill up your tummy without making you gain weight. If you want to lose 5kg in a week the all you have to do is consume 5 cups of vegetables throughout the day. want an idea how?

Well, you can consume two cups full of vegetables with your lunch and the other two with your dinner. Adjust the remaining cup in your afternoon snack. There is no restriction as far as the choice of vegetable is concerned. If you like the taste of carrots stick with them. All you need to do is to repeat.

There are evidences which support that increased intakes of vegetables avoid weight gain in overweight adults.

11- How to lose 5kgs with Fiber? 

You need to realize the importance of fiber in your diet as they are very much like proteins. They perform the same function of making you feel fuller for a longer time.

Fiber helps in maintaining consistent blood sugar levels and which is the reason why researchers link fiber to weight loss. To  lose 5kg in a week, you should always consume fibrous food like whole grain bread instead of white bread.

12- Choose Breakfast Wisely to Lose 5kg 

Pay attention to your breakfast  if you want  to lose 5kg in a week . You need to feed your body with protein filled breakfast so that your metabolic rate remains boosted throughout the day.

If you will not supply your body with the energy in the breakfast then you will be Starving for the rest of your day which will lead you to snack healthy foods.

If you are questioning what healthy food can you consume then nothing fancy. Just take with an egg white omelet whole wheat a whole grain toast. Grab any fruit and consume a teaspoon of jelly.

13- How to lose 5kg in 2 weeks through exercise: Aerobics

Do You hate Shaking legs? Time to love it for 45 mins. If you hate to exercise in general then try dancing. If running, cycling or swimming is not your domain then choose any other high-intensity activities. 

14- Dancing to Favorite songs 

Get your playlist sorted to lose 5kg in a week and choose any  4 high-intensity songs. You should take the help of any smart wristband which could calculate your calories throughout the burning process. Wearing this will ensure your motivation level getting boosted. As a rule of thumb, you should be wearing these smart watches with every sort of workout or exercise regime. 

15- Choosing Zumba 

You need to shake a little for burning your calories. Lock the door and get crazy with Zumba dance.  Try giving a chance to Zumba as this is a great calorie-burning workout. If you are wondering that what sort of style do Zumba features then roughly it is a mix of Latin, hip hop, and belly dance. You will surely have fun during this non-standard workout process of losing a significant amount of weight without realizing it.

This is a fast dancing process that can make you lose about 446 calories in an hour if your current weight is near 155 pounds. What if you weigh approx 180 pounds or more? Well, then get ready to shed about 530 calories per hour of fast Zumba. Do the remaining math, set the goal and strive to achieve it. Trust yourself and this method which can make you lose healthy weight and that too quickly.

For your ease, you need to place a proper workout schedule even if you are hitting the gym. Without a schedule, even the gym won’t help much. It is extremely hard for busy working individuals to sneak a few hours for the gym so in that case Zumba at home can be very useful.

The American College of Sports Medicine suggests you indulge yourself in physical activity for at least an hour, but if you don’t have an hour to spare then break these 60minutes into chunks. Perform six-ten minutes sessions throughout the day for yielding the same benefits.  

16- How to lose 5 kg in 1 week: Juice Cleanse

Heard of a fast 3-day juice cleanse? Well, your weight can be high due to the toxins present within and thus you need to verge of the journey of detoxification through a juice cleanse. You will have to consume organic juices squeezed out of veggies and fruits numerous time each day for consecutive three days. No food is allowed as this is a complete liquid diet. To get a more proper action plan for a juice cleanses scan this article. 

17- How to lose 5kg with espresso ?  

A lot of times you may think that you are hungry, but in reality, your body is craving for a liquid Supplement out of drying out. A clever way to get out of this trap is to drink espresso each time your brain signals you that you are hungry. You yourself will feel 5 pounds lighter in no time by sticking to this way. 

18- Drink two glasses of water before each meal. 

Ever tried to drink two glasses of water before any meal? No right! But why haven’t you? Well, because it will make you full even before delving into the delicious meal. Honestly, that is what you should aim for, after all, you have to eat less. This tip may sound very basic but practicing this simply can make you notice a good difference.  

19- Weigh yourself a lot more to  lose 5kg in a week

Afraid to weigh yourself? Trash that fears away as you’ll have to weigh yourself more frequently. If you be yourself is not enough you need to check your weight daily ideally.

Through this, you will be able to keep a track on your dramatic weight fluctuations. You can use any app or maintain a spreadsheet for the purpose. Ensure that the slope of your weight drops with the progression of time, else you need to change your diet plan or workout strategy. 

20- Losing the last 5kg with fish oil :

You may have not come across with fish oil which proves as a great source of help in making you burn fat but the condition is that you are following a diet and proper exercise strategy. It will surely support the process and make it much faster, but solely relying on it for weight loss will yield nothing except for the disappointment. 

Final Words to lose 5kg in a week

There are several physicians who will comment that it is quite impossible to lose 5kg in 3 days, in a week or two, but then it all boils down to your level of hard work. Losing the fat in this process requires you to maintain a certain amount of restriction for quite a long time else you will regain the weight of defeating the whole purpose.


  1. Coralee Logero

    This and 21 Kickass-Ways To Lose 5kg In A Week Guaranteed Diet [No Exercise] article has helped
    me a lot, is very well written, I’m glad I found it. Kiss you all!

  2. Ellan Teder

    I want to congratulate you for 21 Kickass-Ways To Lose 5kg In A
    Week Guaranteed Diet [No Exercise] article.
    Life can be wonderful! 🙂 Kisses everyone!


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